Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
171781-171800 of all 180,616 gems.
75,2300fulmar-shellThis service takes a directory and a hostname (which might be 'localhost'). It then run...
75,2300granatum-apiCliente ruby para integração com a API do Granatum. Maiores informações http://www.gran...
75,2300headownThis is the CLI tool extracting headers from Markdown files.
75,2300spiffupProvides means to 'prettify' output in Ruby
75,2300ransack_search_elementGeneric, advanced search element for Ransack.
75,2300fastlane-plugin-jira_issues_release_notesIt generates a release note based on the issues keys and descriptions found in the commits
75,2300loriot-rbThis gem let you to connect to Loriot cloud system and manage your registered devices.
75,2300pscb_integrationIf you not sure, think a little about using of Yandex Kassa instead :)
75,2300melintas-whole-roadA unifier directory and binary
75,2300gs_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails application.
75,2300rubocop-springestCode style checking for Springest Ruby repositories
75,2300rspec-crampyRSpec extension library for Cramp.
75,2300gitflowversionDerives SemVer information from a repository following GitFlow.
75,2300mrzSmall library to read and parse MRZ codes on passports and ID cards
75,2300nice-buttonsEasily create beautiful CSS3 buttons with Compass.
75,2300rack-r18nA small Rack middleware taking care of setting up your R18n locales.
75,2300rubyheapSimple Ruby bindings for the RefHeap https://refheap.com/ API.
75,2300national_idsCollection of national identification number validators and e...
75,2300roman-numeralRoman numeral converter
75,2300logstash-loggable-bwcThis gem is a dependency for a Logstash plugin. This gem is not a stand-alone program