Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
173901-173920 of all 180,629 gems.
141,6170cucumber-httpCucumber steps to easily test external JSON APIs
141,6170alexmchale-appconfigA handy class to handle configuration files.
141,6170chef-metal-sshProvisioner for managing servers using ssh in Chef Metal.
141,6170easy_partitionA gem to manage postgres partitions only using the rails migration files to do it.
141,6170cielo-ws15Integração com o webservice 1.5 da Cielo
141,6170create-repocreate-repo is a ruby gem that automatically creates a Github repository and pushes you...
141,6170c42C42 is an internal toolkit for chores based on Thor.
141,6170causes-hydraSpread your tests over multiple machines to test your code faster.
141,6170coredb-application-devopstoolsThis tool should be used as requirement to install orchestrators. It is a general purpo...
141,6170aliyun-ossClient library for Aliyun's Open Storage Service's REST API
141,6170amiel-hash_union_arraysAllows a hash with arrays as values to merge and union common arrays instead of overwri...
141,6170camundaThis will include ActiveResource models for the Camunda API.
141,6170codesake_sshCodesake::SSH includes all security checks we apply to ssh service for codesake applica...
141,6170cryptostats-cliWelcome to Cryptostats! Cryptostats is a CLI ruby gem that fetches meta data of the top...
141,6170carrierwave-yandexfotkiThis gem provides a simple way to upload files from Rails application to fotki.yandex.r...
141,6170correlation_x_yCorrelation object creation needs 2 arguments: data series x and y as arrays
141,6170colinificationThis gem makes all of your code slightly more laid back, also surprises
141,6170domain_neutralModel framework for for domain neutral classes, such as Descriptor which is fundamental...