Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
174141-174160 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380rubylet-rackJava Servlet implementation that forwards to Rack application
69,2380jashmenn-dalliHigh performance memcached client for Ruby
69,2380nps_surveysSurveys, like NPS.
69,2380html_scss_class_checkerHtmlScssClassChecker is designed to streamline the process of frontend development by s...
69,2380oschii_rubyInterfaces with a network of Oschiis
69,2380thermite-ruby3-fork-dont-useA Rake-based helper for building and distributing Rust-based Ruby extensions
69,2380vpyVersapay command line tool
69,2380rails_wangeditorrails_wangeditor will helps your rails app integrate with wangEditor, including images ...
69,2380veri_transA Ruby wrapper library for veritrans Air Direct API
69,2380ipcountryThis gem looks up ip address infomation. I use this api. http://ip-api.com/docs/api:json
69,2380jesseJesse helps to call ORCA-API and CLAIM requests.
69,2380minitest-fast_failMinitest plugin: fast_fail
69,2380rspec-is_expected_blockredefines is_expected as expect{ subject }
69,2380vagrant-vaimo-unisonVagrant 2.0+ plugin to sync local files to VM over SSH using Unison
69,2380fluent-plugin-splunk-parserFluentd plugin that parsers splunk formatted logs
69,2380food_formatterThe RSpec formatter of emoji food
69,2380gem_sample_pruby_kenken_testmy first gem bykenken but tried twice
69,2380putsplusBuilds upon the default puts command to create more attractive and programmer friendly ...
69,2380giact_verificationA wrapper for GIACT's Verification Services that cleans up their SOAP API