Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
174201-174220 of all 180,385 gems.
141,5510atd-ancestryAncestry allows the records of a ActiveRecord model to be organised in a tree structure...
141,5510cronosA builder DSL for generating cron intervals using a human readable English syntax
141,5510co2-notifyHipchat CO2 level notifier
141,5510chemlab-library-gitlabChemlab Page Libraries for GitLab
141,5510checkyDependencies checker for CLI tools
141,5510ecm_courses2_backendEcm::Courses::Backend Module.
141,5510connectors_utilityGem containing shared Connector Services libraries
141,5510browsercukeBrowserCuke is a layer of browser-based testing on top of Cucumber. It provides an int...
141,5510bonio-omniauth-wechat-oauth2Using OAuth2 to authenticate wechat user when web resources being viewed within wechat(...
141,5510elir_jsonJSON formatter for elir.
141,5510claw_druidA ruby client of Druid.
141,5510capistrano-simple-formatterSimple formatter for logging Capistrano tasks
141,5510devise_oauthThe OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework draft-ietf-oauth-v2-28 implementation on top of d...
141,5510cpscU.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission API wrapper
141,5510dsu3a simple library for working with discord selfbots
141,5510ember_serializeGenerate ember models from Rails serializers. Uses introspection to find correct associ...
141,5510easy_diceGem for rolling polyhedral dice.
141,5510conjur-asset-trial-factoryClient library for managing Conjur trials.
141,5510englishnepalidateconverter"Conversion of Gregorian calendar to Nepali Calendar"
141,5510smtpcom_apiRuby wrapper for the http://smtp.com API (http://api.smtp.com)