Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
175121-175140 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051markdown_doctorAn absurdly simple script for rendering markdown with github styles.
103,2051meerstats_railsMountable engine for Rails to provide application data to meerstats.
103,2051metronome-clientMetronome client that uses flexirest
103,2051national-ids-validatorIt provides validators for national identification numbers
103,2051simple_scheduleA simple scheduler for jobs built around rufus_scheduler
103,2051myhtml2hamlAn html2haml wrapper for converting html templates to haml templates
103,2051nice_gemMy nice_gem is on live today
103,2051vx-gitlab_status_serviceIntegrates Gitlab with Vexor CI (build status & build link on merge request pages)
103,2051voteable_tim_beikoVoting gem for postit-app in Tealeaf Academy
103,2051weakest_linkChain multiple methods together safely without having to repeat the safe navigation ope...
103,2051pufferfishPufferfish is an extensible html templating engine that generates raw html, meaning tha...
103,2051exarecursive in-memory structures
103,2051freeplayRest client for Freeplay API, a behavioral reward platform
103,2051georgedrummond-contactsA universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including...
103,2051qu-mongoMongo backend for qu
103,2051vkhater-social_stream-linkserSocial Stream Linkser provides Linkser support in Social Stream, the core for building ...
103,2051scashin133-xmpp4r-simpleJabber::Simple takes the strong foundation laid by xmpp4r and hides the relatively ...
103,2051rabbit-slide-kou-pgconf-asia-2017PGroonga 2.0 has been released with 2 years development since PGroonga 1.0.0. PGroonga ...
103,2051rabbit-slide-kou-oss-forum-apache-arrowみなさんはApache Arrowを知っていますか? 普段データを処理している人でも今はまだ知らない人の方が多いかもしれません。しかし、数年後には「データ処理をしている人なら...