Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
175041-175060 of all 180,534 gems.
142,2090markascendExtensible markdown-like, macro-powered html document syntax and processor
142,2090merritt-manifestA library for creating Merritt text-based manifests (a specialization of the Checkm tex...
142,2090jekyll-argusA minimalist theme created using bootstrap
142,2090gaeventsProvides an integration for sending multiple events to Google Analytics
142,2090helge_view_toolA very simple gem made for class for demontration
142,2090hs_unifonicGem for sending sms using unifonic api
142,2090isoelectric_pointCalculate the Isoelectric point
142,2090hpoydar-compass-aristo-pluginA Compass plugin that provides a CSS3 port of the Aristo UI elements
142,2090git-bumpGit based release management
142,2090hsume2-mapped-recordAuto-magically map Hash[keys] to ActiveRecord.attributes
142,2090iain-fakerGenerate dutch fake data
142,2090janky-flowdockFlowdock inbox adapter for Janky
142,2090formlessCompletely transparent, unobtrusive form populator for web applications and content scr...
142,2090hostlistGenerates list of hosts based on tags.
142,2090google_formsPosting to Google Forms from your ruby scripts
142,2090furirubiTranslate kanji to furigana and with the ruby HTML format.
142,2090logstash-output-bcdbThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
142,2090holabA simple hello world gem
142,2090icehouse-swedishgridConvert coordinates between geodetic WGS84 and Swedish grid RT90 and SWEREF99 systems.
142,2090ichverstehe-somaSend Ruby to IRB from _teh outside_!