Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
175061-175080 of all 180,616 gems.
75,2300miniprofiler-dashboardA dashboard for MiniProfiler
75,2300rubylogparserRubyLogParser enables the output from Microsoft's Log Parser to be processed by Ruby da...
75,2300hola_dothideA simple hello world gem
75,2300story_with_rubyi use it for practicing ruby and rails
75,2300ipp_quickbase_devkitThe ipp_quickbase_devkit wraps the QuickBase HTTP API and adds a lot of classes and met...
75,2300iudex-htmlIudex is a general purpose web crawler and feed processor in ruby/java. The iudex-html ...
75,2300levenshtein-cLevenshtein ruby lib with unicode support
75,2300quick_stateQuick way to store application state.
75,2300toadieAnalyze your source code, find open todos and output a nice html report.
75,2300mixersRuby Mixers is collection mixin modules for the Ruby programming language. Mixers is a ...
75,2300nextdayFinds the Next Working Day even if holidays are in the way. Extends Date with a .ne...
75,2300gitlab-monitorGitLab monitoring tools to use with prometheus
75,2300jsonapi_schemaUse this to validate JSON:API response bodies
75,2300phccodesnipperproRuby on Rails 7 engine to manage script and post code snippets.
75,2300gemacalcthis is a gem to use in rails, this gem do some basic math operations
75,2300fastpbkdf2Ruby bindings for fastpbkdf2
75,2300ifocusttIf Focus, Then That. Do stuff when you need to focus.
75,2300resource_quotableFlexible quota system for resources.
75,2300plangiCharting your data from different data sources.