Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
175461-175480 of all 180,459 gems.
132,0350activeadmin-simpletrailTrack model's changes(by activeadmin), without database migration.
132,0350protobuf_transpilerThis gem provides a quick way to generate annotated ruby stubs for protobufs leveraging...
132,0350jekyll-gold-themeSimple and clean Jekyll theme
132,0350mykmlGenerates KML from a log file.
132,0350fillerFiller gem, fills you with text.
132,0350kata-algorithmsA set of algorithms implementation
132,0350day_plannerSimple gem to handle in-process scheduling of tasks
132,0350jruby_big_decimalThe gem opens java.math.BigDecimal and overloads the arithmetic operators +, -, *, /, ...
132,0350sluggable_neilThe best slug gem ever.
132,0350Sluggishaliases [] to find_by_(name|slug|key) or your own preference
132,0350cucumber_cstepsWrite your Cucumber steps in C/C++
132,0350logstash-output-kairosdbThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
132,0350AsposeDiagramCloudNo description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/sw...
132,0350aspose_diagram_cloudRuby library for communicating with the Aspose.Diagram Cloud API
132,0350sensu-plugins-http-boutetnicoThis plugin provides native HTTP instrumentation for moni...
132,0350enumerable-proxyEnumerableProxy is a pattern for simple block-free ruby enumeration
132,0350network_connectorYou might be working in a big company with high security policies. Where you need to co...
132,0350c80_git_bashУтилиты для работы с git
132,0350kth-smshttps://www.apistore.co.k 의 SMS API gem