Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
176401-176420 of all 180,629 gems.
141,6170distorted-boothGraphical interface for DistorteD multimedia toolkit.
141,6170bloomA framework for building hypersonic aircrafts in Ruby
141,6170detroit-yardstickYardstick plugin for Detroit build system. This plugin generates a documentation cover...
141,6170capistrano-itamaeRun itamae in capistrano task
141,6170dansdealsDisplays deals from dansdeals.com, 5 at a time, and gives info about each one..
141,6170arturop-chronic_durationA simple Ruby natural language parser for elapsed time. (For example, 4 hours and 30 mi...
141,6170bsv_ruby_explorerRuby wrapper for the BSV blockchain query API service. Enables queries by address and t...
141,6170dokku_railsDokku Rails allows developers to execute commands on a Dokku instance directly from the...
141,6170db_seedTo Avoid running seeds file multiple times, So that records won't create multiple times.
141,6170auth_user_by_aeThe implementation plan the user auth.
141,6170attachment_helperGenerate url and get filename from attachment path
141,6170email_detectorEmailDetector detects email addresses in an input string.
141,6170doc_converterThis library allows you to convert documents into another with the format you desire
141,6170digital-oceanA wrapper for Digital Ocean's API.
141,6170capistrano-vpskeeping vps recipes for ruby application
141,6170brpm_module_testTest automation scripts and libraries to run on top of the BRPM Content framework. See ...
141,6170downvoteupvoteA test vote scoring gem
141,6170deis-clientDeis Platform REST (V1.5) client for Ruby.
141,6170autostyleMake it easier to merge CSS styles together for a HTML element
141,6170env_inquiryUse dot notation to access ENV vars. A handy companion to dotenv-* gems