Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
176381-176400 of all 180,660 gems.
151,8910BlinkyTapeControl a strip of RGB LEDs from http://blinkinlabs.com/blinkytape/
151,8910cap-deploy-taggerAutomatically tag Git commits when deploying with Capistrano
151,8910boltsBolts is a foundation for writing applications
151,8910buskerAn extremely simple web framework. It mimics Sinatra in some aspects while still trying...
151,8910concurrentrubyYou probably meant `gem install concurrent-ruby`.
151,8910databenderDatabase subset generator
151,8910canvas_interactorCanvas Interactor is a mountable engine for handling the oauth workflow with canvas and...
151,8910broadband_mapRuby wrapper for Broadbandmap.gov api
151,8910fakeiteasyA .Net dynamic fake framework for creating all types of fake objects, mocks, stubs etc,...
151,8910economyHigh performance multicurrency money for rails.
151,8910capillaryCapillary works in conjunction with capillary.js, which outputs a beautiful graphical r...
151,8910dd2tfExport Datadog resource as terraform config
151,8910danger-samsaoDanger plugin for Samsao PR guidelines.
151,8910capediaA collection of capistrano plugins and recipes. Recipes include passenger, pre installi...
151,8910cap_gunSuper simple capistrano deployment notifications.
151,8910divisibleUseful to find out if one number is divisible by another. For example 9.divisible_by?(3...
151,8910dbdA data store that (almost) never forgets
151,8910cartoonist-tagsPlugin for tagging cartoonist entities.
151,8910braveryRuby state machine micro library. Maintains state and gets out of your way.
151,8910code-formatterswift code formatter