Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
177501-177520 of all 183,722 gems.
74,4840deletethisgemThis gem is a test
74,4840gusteauChef Solo wrapper and configuration manager
74,4840komodoKomodo is a simple wrapper that allows you to scale on-demand the number of delayed_job...
74,4840devise-stormpathDevise extension to allow authentication via Stormpath
74,4840walrusWalrus is an object-oriented templating system inspired by and similar to the Cheet...
74,4840ie_conditional_tagProvides an easy-to-use helper for generating multiple tags inside IE-specific conditio...
74,4840rolloutbrFeature flippers with redis.
74,4840recursive_replacerecursive_replace is a ruby gem for recursively replacing text in multiple files and di...
74,4840rquadRuby Quadtree Library
74,4840poundie-wozzeckA Poundie plugin for integrating WOZZECK wit your Campfire.
74,4840yodel_shopYodel CMS Shop Extension
74,4840hotseatAdd work queue functionality to an existing CouchDB database
74,4840textmate_backtracerModifies the lines in your Rails backtrace output (when server-side errors occur) to ma...
74,4840uuid_itYou need to assign UUIDs to your model? UuidIt makes it as simple as adding one line of...
74,4840stepfordAutomates FactoryGirl deep creation of models and their required associations avoiding ...
74,4840cat_apiCatAPI is a Ruby gem to facilitate communication with the Cat API.
74,4840rabbit-slide-Piro-fast-fulltext-search-in-ruby-groonga[Tokyo Rubyist Meetup](http://trbmeetup.doorkeeper.jp/events/19450)用の発表資料です。
74,4840smartstoriesTLL Smartstories Client API Wrapper
74,4840celluloid_pubsubCelluloidPubsub is a simple ruby implementation of publish subscribe design patterns us...
74,4840rogRake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby. Tasks and dependencies are specified i...