Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
177741-177760 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830grpc_interceptorsA collection of Ruby interceptors (middlewares) for gRPC servers and clients.
74,4830guard-live-setConverts Ableton Live .als files to XML as they're saved. The point of this is so that ...
74,4830gsoni-ar_mailerEven delivering email to the local machine may take too long when you have to send hund...
74,4830dm-is-temporalDataMapper plugin implementing temporal patterns
74,4830guard-calabash-iosGuard::Calabash-iOS automatically run your calabash features for iOS
74,4830google-shopping-merchant-conversions-v1betaProgrammatically manage your Merchant Center accounts. Note that google-shopping-mercha...
74,4830wroc_loveYour personal genie for all your wroc_love.rb 2012 needs!
74,4830action_mailer_test_mailingSet one test-reciepient which gets all mails from th app in for example a test/staging ...
74,4830ruminateSimple process for generating munin plugins to monitor your Rails application
74,4830groupdocs_viewer_cloudRuby gem for communicating with the GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud API
74,4830deactivatableDeactivatable provides methods and a default_scope to allow ActiveRecord objects to be ...
74,4830graphsrbThis gem allows to create simple directed and undirected graphs. Basic operations allow...
74,4830gstin_validationgstin_validation validates Indian gstin numbers based on the check digit. The last char...
74,4830grape_resourceGrapeResource is opinionated resource generator for your Grape API mounted inside Rails
74,4830gitraAnalyze branches and continuity in a git repository.
74,4830grape-markdownAuto generates Markdown from the docuementation that is created by your Grape API}
74,4830guard-rake-vagrantguard-rake-vagrant runs rake tasks from Rakefile automatically but first provisioning a...
74,4830gustavoglz-restful-authenticationThis widely-used plugin provides a foundation for securely managing user.
74,4830gtfs_readerReads and parses zip files conforming to Google's GTFS spec. Such files can take up qui...
74,4830grandstream_cameraGrandstream IP camera HTTP api for setting and retrieving camera options and performing...