Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
177741-177760 of all 183,722 gems.
74,4840dashing_background_statusThe background color of your widget (between green & red) is set according to the value...
74,4840custom_reportUse CustomReports to get a good quick glipse into your application data.
74,4840rmuhArmA 2 Ruby Library for RPT, Log, and GameSpy
74,4840companies-house-gatewayRuby wrapper for the Companies House XML Gateway
74,4840whatismyipLets you check your public and local ip addresses by simply typing 'whatismyip' on the ...
74,4840bai-marukuMaruku is a Markdown interpreter in Ruby. It features native export to HTML and PDF (vi...
74,4840daqing_kramdownkramdown is yet-another-markdown-parser but fast, pure Ruby, using a strict syntax defi...
74,4840rsanheim-amazon-ec2An interface library that allows Ruby applications to easily connect to the HTTP 'Query...
74,4840danieljackson_learning_palindromeA tiny demo gem generating palindromes, from the learnenough.com Ruby course.
74,4840data_structures_101DataStructures101 is a simple gem that groups several implementations of common data st...
74,4840sidekiq-scheduler-managersidekiq scheduler manager.
74,4840brianjlandau-vestal_versionsKeep a DRY history of your ActiveRecord models' changes
74,4840sysbench-graphA tool for parsing the output of SysBench IO tests and then graphing it
74,4840daily_recipesA randomly selected recipe from pinchofyum.com delivered with the option to see the rec...
74,4840casting_attributesEnables using casting_attr_accessor to create typed non-persistent attribu...
74,4840brainfuckttA Brainfuck interpreter built using Treetop.
74,4840ember-rails-liteEmber for Rails 3.1+ without ActiveModel::Serializers
74,4840common_core_parserThe common core standards xml files and pdf docs are provided by the Common Core State ...
74,4840subsonic-apiInteract with a subsonic music streaming server
74,4840gnm-cap_permissionadds group based permissions to Capistrano tasks