Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
177701-177720 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830ruboty-hiruboty handler to say "hi" to everyone.
74,4830sluggable_tommotaylorfrom postit app in Go Tealeaf
74,4830wbdv_packerCompresses Javascript & CSS files on the terminal. Usage: wbdv_packer [options] [f...
74,4830zkrubyPure ruby client for ZooKeeper (http://zookeeper.apache.org)
74,4830rfitsRFits is a set of routines for reading, writing and manipulating FITS (Flexible Image T...
74,4830dynamic_registrarNamespaced and versioned registration of callbacks for dynamic invocation by clients
74,4830gtkbuilderBuilder::Gtk let's you build Gtk windows using a simple DSL
74,4830moses-rspec-spiestest spies, for rspec (forked from technicalpickles/rspec-spies)
74,4830hostdigSimple tool for querying DNS servers for host information
74,4830ls4LS4 - large-scale simple storage system
74,4830golddiggerThis gem uses YQL to access the Yahoo! Finannce database to return the current price of...
74,4830zazzleZazzle.com API wrapper
74,4830google-cloud-network_connectivityNetwork Connectivity is Google's suite of products that provide enterprise connectivity...
74,4830google-cloud-gke_hub-v1The GKE Hub API centrally manages features and services on all your Kubernetes clusters...
74,4830ey_instance_api_clientUsed by snapshots and services (was going to be used by backups)
74,4830upload_image_retain_low_qualityupload image to s3 bucket retain low quality image file
74,4830hazelHazel is a generator for Sinatra apps, heavily based on snfn
74,4830simpleMailerSimpleMailer is a simple wrapper for net::smtp that let you attach files
74,4830http_url_validation_improveda Rails gem that allows you to validate a URL entered in a form. It validates if the U...
74,4830natural_keyActiveRecord.create_or_update based on a user-defined natural-key