Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
177781-177800 of all 184,353 gems.
51,3230gemverSimple gem to add latest gem version to your Gemfile without going to rubygems.org
51,3230codeprimate-wizard_controllerWizard Controller is an inheritable class to ease the creation of Wizards
51,3230coderifous-tornadoRuby DSL for easily launching, arranging and doing other simple tasks with Mac OS X app...
51,3230wait_pidthe wait_pid command -- (ruby gem/binary for waiting on an arbitrary external pid, doze...
51,3230nandNand is a simple CLI tool to make anything daemon by Ruby.
51,3230github-api-clientCaches retrieved information to your user profile and reuses it when you query again.
51,3230gettalong-webgenwebgen is used to generate static websites from templates and content files (which can ...
51,3230Shopify-asset_cloudAn abstraction layer around arbitrary and diverse asset stores.
51,3230beetle_etlTaking care of synchronizing external data with referential data in your application.
51,3230girl_worldA Ruby Wrapper for the World Bank API which queries the Gender Statistics database for ...
51,3230testplanRake tasks and DSL for organizing rspec cases with test plans and test platforms
51,3230git-crecordThis gem adds the git-crecord command. It provides a curses UI to stage/commit git-hunks.
51,3230forem-legionTheme legion for forem.
51,3230duck_testingData type testing tool
51,3230entrepota helper class do do a chached processing
51,3230messenger_pigeonThe goal of MessengerPigeon is to provide a highly-configurable and adaptable animal to...
51,3230omniauth-baseOmniAuth strategy for Base.
51,3230gem_with_extension_exampleThis gem is intended to function as a starting point for developing gems that contain C...
51,3230georgia_mailerGeorgia::Mailer works essentially with Georgia CMS to provide spam-free contact forms, ...
51,3230conjur-asset-deployment-apiConjur asset plugin for server deployments.