Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178021-178040 of all 181,553 gems.
40,3100thieveThis ruby gem searches through provided directories, looking for private/public keys an...
40,3100thingfish-metastore-pggraphThis is a metadata storage plugin for the Thingfish digital asset manager. It provides...
40,3100test_hyraxHyrax is a featureful Hydra front-end based on the latest and greatest Hydra software c...
40,3100thecore_theme_tarisDummy package to pull all the dependencies for UI part of Thecore (Taris Theme).
40,3100test_equality_with_lcsCompare two strings, or arrays, and get failed results back in an easy to distinguish L...
40,3100thedevdevesh_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
40,3100thartmrtmapi fixed version with a simple cli added, rtmapi package fixed to work with libxml2...
40,3100test_generatorThis gem will track everything users do in the system and map it into controllers and m...
40,3100timecostUse GIT logs to give an estimation of spent time & costs of your projects.
40,3100the-free-dictionaryTheFreeDictionary is a gem that fetches information about words from https://www.thefre...
40,3100therubyracer-herokuCall javascript code and manipulate javascript objects from ruby. Call ruby code and ma...
40,3100sa_vat_validationSA VAT number validation
40,3100ticketmaster-rallyThis is a provider for ticketmaster. It provides interoperability with Rally and it's p...
40,3100timcharper-jruby-poiA rubyesque library for manipulating spreadsheets and other document types for jruby, u...
40,3100capistrano-campoutCapistrano::Campout is a gem extension to capistrano to post/speak messages and paste l...
40,3100ember-auth-railsEmber-auth is an authentication framework for ember.js. It is expected to work out ...
40,3100brainsome_typusRuby on Rails Admin Panel (Engine) to allow trusted users edit structured content.
40,3100thatAdds a global method `that`, used to search across relevant fields for all available ...
40,3100test_flight_clientSuper simple ruby client for TestFlightApp's super simple developer API.
40,3100itunes_information_slackSend information on itunes play music informatio to slack