Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178021-178040 of all 182,229 gems.
66,1540rubygems-mygemsNever install a gem again..
66,1540flatbedA ruby library for video editing and assembly using ffmpeg
66,1540astaireAllows the use of get, post, put, and delete to define actions and then allows the cont...
66,1540perforce2svnIt loads each revision in a Perforce repository sequentially and commits each change in...
66,1540adminpage_scaffold_generatorYou can generate template files easy and beautiful by this scaffold generator for Ruby ...
66,1540vpim-railsThis is vPim updated for use with Rails applications.
66,1540ObjectProxyObjectProxy provides a proxied interface to Ruby objects. It lets you add methods to o...
66,1540togglifyA Rubygem that allows you to easily enable/disable parts of your ruby code.
66,1540dorkInstead of installing DOT everywhere and eating memory and CPU on those machines, make ...
66,1540column_sortColumn sorting for index pages
66,1540rsync_deployDeploy tool using rsync
66,1540wpifyWordpress deploy tools, including a capistrano recipe. This project is still in early d...
66,1540devise_webmoneyWebmoney authentication module for Devise using Rack::Webmoney
66,1540postcode-anywhereA number of fully-tested clients for interacting with all of the available postcode any...
66,1540postcodes-norwayParses the Norwegian postcode database as published by Bring, and lets you search and u...
66,1540plutora_restThis is a specialized utility for the Plutora platform, that utilizes the REST Call fun...
66,1540polymorphic_preloaderAdds the ability to preload nested polymorphic associations in your ActiveRecord queries
66,1540positive_kernel_supportThis gem provides some methods that extends 'Kernel#puts'.
66,1540pineapplesRails app generator based on Suspenders by Thoughtbot and Raygun by Carbon Five modifie...
66,1540pixi_lightsA gem for importing the pixi_lights.js canvas library into Rails projects.