Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178081-178100 of all 183,707 gems.
49,1800periodicoPeriodico is a lightweight pub/sub framework that leverages self-registration and depen...
49,1800artextExtract article and other metadata from websites.
49,1800mdurl-rbRuby version of MDUrl for motion-markdown-it for use with Ruby and RubyMotion
49,1800resque-priorityProvides Resque with three levels of (named) priority for a single queue.
49,1800cechacecha (Check ELB Certificate's Hash Algorithm)
49,1800penniesAlways ensure accuracy in financial calculations to avoid losing even a single penny.
49,1800daeltar-clockworkA scheduler process to replace cron, using a more flexible Ruby syntax running as a sin...
49,1800pdf_thumbnailerTakes a folder structure of PDF files and generates thumbnail images for all pages of a...
49,1800omniauth-smashrunOmniAuth strategy for Smashrun
49,1800fiveruns-dash-sensorDaemon to monitor ad-hoc infrastructure non-invasively for FiveRuns Dash
49,1800stsplatformThis gem allows you to access the STS Platform API. For more information visit http://d...
49,1800sednaRuby extension that provides a client library for the Sedna XML DBMS, making use of the...
49,1800winton-attachment_fuTreat an ActiveRecord model as a file attachment, storing its patch, size, content type...
49,1800abstract_validatorValidators creation gem
49,1800junglerTakes a domain in parameters and gives info about hosting
49,1800crankyA very light yet powerful test factory framework with an extremely clean syntax that ma...
49,1800therubyracer-herokuCall javascript code and manipulate javascript objects from ruby. Call ruby code and ma...
49,1800cherrypickSet of mixins, services and helpers for Rails as an Engine.
49,1800rubygems-mygemsNever install a gem again..
49,1800colourSupport for computation of colour swatches in both the RGB and HSV colour representations