Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178081-178100 of all 182,129 gems.
71,9710middleman-simple-thumbnailerMiddleman extension that allows you to create image thumbnails by providing resize_to o...
71,9710mguymon_settingslogicA simple and straightforward settings solution that uses an ERB enabled YAML file and a...
71,9710meskyanichi-is_listableThis will allow you to very quickly get the "Move Up" and "Move Down" button functional...
71,9710uhlenbrock-slicehost-toolstools utilizing the slicehost api
71,9710thrashRandomly write to many, many files using an in-memory buffer
71,9710messagemedia_conversations_sdkThe Conversations API allows users to communicate by sending and receiving messages via...
71,9710mendeley_oauth2All gems that I found are not out of date - I decided to write my own gem.
71,9710umang-gruffBeautiful graphs for one or multiple datasets. Can be used on websites or in documents.
71,9710Menudiet_alu0100600216Define un menú dietético y los métodos para calcular sus valores nutricionales
71,9710message_channelYet another observer pattern wrapper library via Observable, DRb, MQTT, Redis.
71,9710meta_threadsA Ruby gem that provides convenient methods for interacting with the Meta's Threads.
71,9710microsoft_graph_betaThe Microsoft Graph Ruby SDK enables you to use Microsoft Graph beta in your Ruby apps.
71,9710memohSave your SSH connection details with memoh and connect to any saved host by name
71,9710merge_attributesMerge hashes as HTML attributes, accounting for the specifics of `class`,`data-controll...
71,9710weibo_focusoauth2 intface for weibo
71,9710merb_wheneverClean ruby syntax for defining and deploying messy cron jobs. Modified for use with merb
71,9710diff-displayDiff::Display::Unified renders unified diffs into various forms. The output is based on...
71,9710ruby-minisatruby binding for MiniSat, an open-source SAT solver
71,9710rack-post-body-to-paramsA Rack middleware that parses the POST or PUT body for JSON or XML content to a Hash an...
71,9710service_providerThis is an easy tool to acomplish basic dependency injection in Ruby