Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178101-178120 of all 182,129 gems.
71,9710scriptcrmodA module for CodeRunner to allow arbitrary scripts to be run. Installed automatically w...
71,9710gittycentA GitHub wrapper in Ruby.
71,9710memorable_passwordThis simple gem generates a random password that is easy to read and remember. It uses ...
71,9710stalkrRuby library for tracking UPS, Fedex and USPS packages.
71,9710toilYet another factory library.
71,9710minimal-jekyllMinimal aims for a minimalistic design that is aesthetically pleasing and sophisticated.
71,9710hyperloopThis gem provide the full hyperloop stack for rails plus generators for Hyperloop elements
71,9710mighty_structA mighty struct which wraps objects in order to provide deep method access to its prope...
71,9710ML_RubyThis Ruby gem leverages Machine Learning(ML) techniques to make predictions(forecasts) ...
71,9710mikras_utilsGem mikras_utils
71,9710mime_actorAction processing with Callback + Rescue handlers for different MIME types in Rails
71,9710minecraft_versionsSDK for Minecraft versions info
71,9710dmoz_sax_docUse a SAX parser to visit either the structure.u8 or content.u8 DMOZ files.
71,9710mig-rspec_abandonerThis is a script, that when run inside of your project, will convert your RSpec specs t...
71,9710pacstreamThis library is designed to assist with using the PACSTREAM electronic ordering service...
71,9710vandrijevik-has_phone_numberHasPhoneNumber makes validations for US phone numbers in ActiveRecord models easy.
71,9710venonc-restful_aclA Rails gem that provides fine grained access control to RESTful resources in a Rails 2...
71,9710mini_toolsA set of simple lightweight tools to demonstrate some useful object patterns in Ruby
71,9710mini_readlinemini_readline: A compact, little gem for console command entry with line edit and histo...
71,9710middleman-vendor_bowerAdds the bower directory to the sprockets path so that you can require bower components...