Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178341-178360 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830observable_objectThin delegator that wraps objects and triggers events on modification (useful for stora...
74,4830nutrition_calculatorNutritionCalculator provides a set of core libraries to help track a person's indiv...
74,4830obscured-timelineObscured::Timeline is a Mongoid extension adds events to a separate collection for an e...
74,4830nielsm-authlogic_haapiThis gem Extends the Authlogic library and allows using an API key (single access token...
74,4830object_dojoObjectDojo is a utility to improve your Object oriented programming skills using rules ...
74,4830pomegranatePomegranate is a Ruby library for inferencing over a corpus of RDFS triples. Implement...
74,4830pearlCommand line interface for DigitalOcean's API
74,4830force_schemaDeclare a table structure like an ActiveRecord migration and run 'force_schema!' whenev...
74,4830hash_queueThreadsafe namespaced Queue with locking capabilities.
74,4830nubis_rails_boilerplateI usually start the same rails apps, running on the same infrastructure, so this collec...
74,4830push_safetyThe gem push command makes it incredibly easy to publish your gems... maybe a little to...
74,4830nmoneys-exchangeNMoneys Exchange extends the NMoneys implementation of the Money Value Object to suppor...
74,4830ruby-amtIntel AMT (Active Management Technology) is available on every computer having the Inte...
74,4830olyaIt is likely this will not be used, as the microservices archite...
74,4830oocsvA very dynamic object-oriented approach to CSV reading and writing. Unlike the stdlib c...
74,4830omah_searchSearches the email headers from the Offine Mail Helper (OMAH) database generated by the...
74,4830oexrwrapperAPI wrapper to retrieve currency exchange rates from OpenExchangeRates.org. API Key nee...
74,4830omniauth-humanidomniauth-humanid is an omniauth strategy for humanID, a company that provides bot-adver...
74,4830omniauth-outsetaEnables the use of Outseta as an authentication provider in combination with Devise and...
74,4830funfxFunctional testing for Flex