Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178281-178300 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830mrw-uppercutA DSL for writing agents and notifiers for Jabber. This is a modified version incorpora...
74,4830my_string_extend_htThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
74,4830rack-haltPrevent matched paths from subsequent middleware calls
74,4830mtgenCreates a minitest spec or test directory and some starter code on a blank project. It'...
74,4830dm-is-checksumedA DataMapper plugin which adds checksum properties to a Model, referencing other proper...
74,4830OpalThe Opal language for simplicity and Smalltalk-like syntax.
74,4830motion-xrayThe simulator and RubyMotion REPL make on-device testing a painful cycle of code, compi...
74,4830rftpA wrapper for net::ftp that is tolerable
74,4830nomad-cliworld-class command line utilities for iOS development
74,4830ruby-virtualenvCreate virtual ruby/rubygems environments.
74,4830network_utilsA set of utils to get URL info before downloading a resource, work with ports, etc.
74,4830nfeplace-clientGem to interact with NFEPlace SOAP API. Enables creation, consultation and import of in...
74,4830nest-redisIt is a design pattern in key-value databases to use the key to simulate structure, and...
74,4830n_grams_generatorN-grams generator for multi-level strings, for example words and their morphosyntactic ...
74,4830neapolitanNeapolitan is a meta-templating engine. Like a candy store it allows you to pick and ch...
74,4830native-queryCool way how to speak with database server. It's ellegant DSL; the SQL query helper whi...
74,4830natspecnatspec - natural specification (comments) parser / machinery; document application bin...
74,4830serializerSerializer is a Ruby on Rails tool for adding accessor to serialized attributes with su...
74,4830livecodeA toolkit for livecoding using Ruby and TextMate on OSX