Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
178421-178440 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830passboxA gem to store and manage password offline, encrypted using AES 256 strong encryption.
74,4830paper_trail_manager_rails_5Browse, subscribe, view and revert changes to records when using Rails and the `paper_t...
74,4830parity_prop_fgeA first gem exercise that splits an array of integers into two arrays, one with even nu...
74,4830pagy-govukA Pagy Extra that renders GOV.UK pagination
74,4830paradeiserParadeiser is a command-line tool for the Pomodoro Technique. It keeps track of the cur...
74,4830padrino-websocketsA WebSockets abstraction for the Padrino Ruby Web Framework to manage channels, use...
74,4830enterpriceThis gem provides utilities and methods I use when inspecting time series on remote mac...
74,4830pdfs2pdfCombine multiple pdf files into a single file with combined table of content for quick ...
74,4830paho-railsThis is a simple asset gem to add Paho library to rails. Paho is a javascript library t...
74,4830parolkar-obey_robots_dot_txtEasy to use extension of Net::HTTP to let you obey robots.txt while crawling/scrapping/...
74,4830westarete-activerecord_null_objectImplements the Null Object Pattern for nil values in ActiveRecord associations.
74,4830whoahbot-dm-redisDataMapper adapter for the Redis key-value database
74,4830oxford-speech-apiMicrosoft Oxford Speech API, Speech to Text, Text to Speech functionality
74,4830seems_rateableStar rating engine using jQuery plugin jRating for Rails applications
74,4830respond_to_missingDefines Object#respond_to_missing? and patches Object#respond_to? unless this functiona...
74,4830knife-dwimRun a correct knife command to upload file to Chef server
74,4830inploy_godlikeManage deployed services through god service monitoring system
74,4830imap_ticklerimap_tickler is a utility that ticklers your 43 folders style mailfolders. It expects t...
74,4830mongaYet another MongoDB Ruby Client
74,4830mail_checkerRSpec matchers and helpers to set expectations on mails delivered to MailCatcher