Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181681-181700 of all 182,267 gems.
73,9730bitterRepresent binary data using English words
73,9730tsig_apiTXTSignal.com API Client!
73,9730feedalizerFeedalizer is a *small* Ruby library that glues together Hpricot with the standard RSS ...
73,9730develryA metagem for ROM-style development
73,9730pqdlDownload Geocaching.com Pocket Queries from your command line
73,9730bobbleFor pinging your web services (any URL) & freely or cheaply getting email/SMS notificat...
73,9730opengraph_transporterA Ruby library for exporting Facebook Open Graph Translations between Developer Applica...
73,9730teriyakiYou don't need to write paths.rb manually anymore!
73,9730twitpicLibrary for TwitPic API.
73,9730bundle-starStar github repositories automatically when you `bundle-star install`ed
73,9730buddies_avatarPart of the 'buddies' gem that aims to bring some common social features to a rails sit...
73,9730compass-img-deliveryCompass plugin for managing and delivering sharp vector images to all devices and brows...
73,9730enumerablerenumerabler enhances Enumerable with methods returning enumerator.
73,9730jrcljHelper library for working with Clojure from JRuby.
73,9730controller_concernedOrganize your controller and place each action/functionality in a separate file
73,9730guard-s3A simple guard library for syncing files with s3
73,9730gogoodreadsAllows you to progammatically pull book reviews from Goodreads using its API.
73,9730machinist-couchrest-modelManufacture test CouchRest models with ease using Machinist
73,9730dutws_fooright now only mongoid is supported
73,9730ns_testSimple controller action for the netscaler tests