Daily Downloads Ranking
Most downloads last day.
181621-181640 of all 183,477 gems.
Rank | Downloads | Name | Summary |
58,438 | 0 | viva-declarative_authorization | declarative_authorization is a Rails plugin for authorization based on readable authori... |
58,438 | 0 | datacom_active_directory | Datacom NZ fork of ActiveDirectory. Uses Net::LDAP to provide a means of accessing and ... |
58,438 | 0 | battman | Battman allows specifying actions to perform depending on the value of some battery att... |
58,438 | 0 | em-resque | Em-resque is a version of Resque, which offers non-blocking and non-forking workers... |
58,438 | 0 | relais | Relais is a Rails Engine that helps generating static websites out of any Rails applica... |
58,438 | 0 | themoviedb-jzg | Provides a simple, easy to use interface for the Movie Database API. |
58,438 | 0 | mongoid_appender | Simple implementation of a logging appender for Tim Pease's Logging framework using Mon... |
58,438 | 0 | actionmessage | ActionMailer heavily-inspired gem to handle SMS/Text Messages |
58,438 | 0 | tgbyte-activerecord-jdbc-adapter | activerecord-jdbc-adapter is a database adapter for Rails\' ActiveRecord component that... |
58,438 | 0 | conceal | Encrypts and decrypts strings using OpenSSL. |
58,438 | 0 | pauper | Inspired by Vagrant but much much simpler. Also uses LXC, instead of Virtualbox. |
58,438 | 0 | itunes_information_slack | Send information on itunes play music informatio to slack |
58,438 | 0 | ucenter | http://willin.wang visit for more info. |
58,438 | 0 | gnarly | Super simple DSL style web framework on top of Rack. Makes real HTTP'ish REST services ... |
58,438 | 0 | haruzira_sdk | This gem is a SDK for communication with the Haruzira(UWP APP). By the SDK uses, and ... |
58,438 | 0 | vagrant-unison | Vagrant 1.1 plugin to sync local files to VM over SSH using Unison |
58,438 | 0 | action_context | Context awareness for Rails 3 |
58,438 | 0 | mm-concerns | A very simple mongomapper plugin that lets you organise your models into subdirectories |
58,438 | 0 | wss4r | Some description |
58,438 | 0 | view_mapper | View_mapper will generate scaffolding for new or existing models, customized for the pl... |