Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181641-181660 of all 182,267 gems.
73,9730cmuscmus remote controller library.
73,9730SuburiMongrelA simple rack handler to allow to use suburis without using --prefix
73,9730paper_trail_changesA gem to do various stuff with PaperTrail versions.
73,9730cached_atUse cached_at for ActiveRecord cache key
73,9730cloud_croonerManage assets on Sinatra apps with Sprockets and S3
73,9730it4korea_gem_testA simple test gem by it4korea
73,9730toppings-susythis gem sports support for the susy sass library for toppings
73,9730pipedrive-rubyRuby wrapper for the Pipedrive API
73,9730ogoneFlexible Ogone ecommerce wrapper Deal simply with multiple ogone ecommerce account wit...
73,9730glass-apiGlass - A lightweight Rails Engine for an open RESTful API for models
73,9730meat_sauceページをスクレイピングしたり、スクリーンショットを撮ったり(scraping web page, screen shot web page .... and more)
73,9730check_tagCheck box tag that submits value whether checked or unchecked
73,9730growlnotifierA ruby library which allows you to send Growl notifications.
73,9730negval-deadlock_retryProvides automatical deadlock retry and logging functionality for ActiveRecord and MySQL
73,9730basecampxBasecamp new ruby api wrapper
73,9730motion-objcSimply include Objective-C files in your RubyMotion projects
73,9730tensionTension brings some sanity to Rails's CSS & JS organization for modern front–end develo...
73,9730cloud-loggerA simple Ruby interface to the APIs of various cloud logging services
73,9730webget_ruby_password_hashWebGet Ruby Gem: PasswordHash class for secure password hashing with plain text and ran...
73,9730foreigner-matcherAdds rspec matcher to verify the presence of foreign keys generated by Foreigner in a t...