1 | 600 | 520 | mixlib-shellout | Run external commands on Unix or Windows |
2 | 643 | 411 | artifactory | A Ruby client for Artifactory |
3 | 686 | 713 | ohai | Ohai profiles your system and emits JSON |
4 | 722 | 630 | mixlib-cli | A simple mixin for CLI interfaces, including option parsing |
5 | 752 | 623 | mixlib-config | A class based configuration library |
6 | 787 | 645 | mixlib-log | A gem that provides a simple mixin for log functionality |
7 | 868 | 727 | chef-config | Chef Infra's default configuration and config loading library |
8 | 880 | 692 | ffi-yajl | Ruby FFI wrapper around YAJL 2.x |
9 | 892 | 687 | libyajl2 | Installs a vendored copy of libyajl2 for distributions which lack it |
10 | 901 | 708 | wmi-lite | A lightweight utility over win32ole for accessing basic WMI (Windows Management Instrum... |
11 | 978 | 593 | chef-utils | Basic utility functions for Core Chef Infra development |
12 | 1,051 | 714 | train-core | A minimal Train with a backends for ssh and winrm. |
13 | 1,068 | 2,115 | mixlib-versioning | General purpose Ruby library that allows you to parse, compare and manipulate version s... |
14 | 1,129 | 2,727 | mixlib-install | A library for interacting with Chef Software Inc's software distribution systems. |
15 | 1,290 | 3,253 | chef-sugar | A series of helpful sugar of the Chef core and other resources to make a cleaner, more ... |
16 | 1,310 | 4,234 | inspec | InSpec provides a framework for creating end-to-end infrastructure tests. You can use i... |
17 | 1,332 | 4,092 | train | Transport interface to talk to different backends. |
18 | 1,354 | 2,855 | chef | A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen... |
19 | 1,365 | 2,375 | mixlib-authentication | Mixes in simple per-request authentication |
20 | 1,505 | 2,985 | chef-zero | Self-contained, easy-setup, fast-start in-memory Chef server for testing and solo setup... |
21 | 1,512 | 2,335 | chef-vault | Data encryption support for Chef Infra using data bags |
22 | 1,698 | 2,409 | mixlib-archive | A simple interface to various archive formats |
23 | 1,725 | 2,098 | semverse | An elegant library for representing and comparing SemVer versions and constraints |
24 | 1,755 | 1,516 | ffi-libarchive | A Ruby FFI binding to libarchive. |
25 | 2,197 | 3,116 | inspec-core | InSpec provides a framework for creating end-to-end infrastructure tests. You can use i... |
26 | 2,203 | 6,411 | ridley | A reliable Chef API client with a clean syntax |
27 | 2,210 | 2,297 | license-acceptance | Chef End User License Agreement Acceptance for Ruby products |
28 | 2,265 | 3,673 | berkshelf | Manages a Chef cookbook's dependencies |
29 | 2,519 | 2,411 | train-winrm | Allows applictaions using Train to speak to Windows using Remote Management; handles au... |
30 | 2,898 | 3,646 | chefspec | ChefSpec is a unit testing and resource coverage (code coverage) framework for testing ... |
31 | 2,909 | 2,457 | chef-telemetry | Send user actions to the Chef telemetry system. See Chef RFC-051 for further information |
32 | 2,958 | 2,952 | license_scout | Discovers license files of a project's dependencies. |
33 | 3,069 | 6,714 | chef-sugar-ng | A series of helpful sugar of the Chef core and other resources to make a cleaner, more ... |
34 | 3,605 | 5,848 | kitchen-inspec | A Test Kitchen Verifier for InSpec |
35 | 3,666 | 4,719 | train-aws | Allows applications using Train to speak to AWS; handles authentication, cacheing, and ... |
36 | 3,702 | 4,102 | win32-process | The win32-process library implements several Process methods that are
either unimpl... |
37 | 3,717 | 4,411 | train-habitat | Allows applications using Train to speak to Habitat. |
38 | 3,774 | 3,306 | cookstyle | Cookstyle is a code linting tool that helps you to write better Chef Infra cookbooks by... |
39 | 3,804 | 3,192 | cookbook-omnifetch | Library code to fetch Chef cookbooks from a variety of sources to a local cache |
40 | 3,813 | 2,890 | corefoundation | Ruby wrapper for macOS Core Foundation framework |
41 | 3,964 | 11,193 | knife-acl | Knife plugin to manupulate Chef server access control lists |
42 | 3,984 | 3,551 | chef-cleanroom | Ruby is an excellent programming language for creating and managing custom DSLs, but ho... |
43 | 4,255 | 4,354 | omnibus-ctl | Provides command line control for omnibus pakcages, rarely used as a gem |
44 | 4,699 | 6,932 | knife-windows | Plugin that adds functionality to Chef's Knife CLI for configuring/interacting with nod... |
45 | 4,726 | 4,461 | cheffish | A set of Chef resources for configuring Chef Infra. |
46 | 4,750 | 8,159 | win32-service | The win32-service library provides a Ruby interface to services on
MS Windows. You ... |
47 | 4,761 | 5,687 | chef-cli | A streamlined development and deployment workflow for Chef platform. |
48 | 4,791 | 9,598 | dep_selector | Given packages, versions, and a dependency graph, find a valid assignment of package ve... |
49 | 4,798 | 6,682 | knife-ec2 | Amazon EC2 Support for Chef's Knife Command |
50 | 5,097 | 9,503 | dep-selector-libgecode | Installs a vendored copy of Gecode suitable for use with dep-selector |
51 | 5,214 | 10,694 | chef-api | A tiny Chef Infra API client with minimal dependencies |
52 | 5,248 | 3,151 | appbundler | Extracts a dependency solution from bundler's Gemfile.lock to speed gem activation |
53 | 5,330 | 10,782 | win32-security | The win32-security library provides an interface for dealing with
security related ... |
54 | 5,613 | 6,223 | inspec-bin | InSpec executable for inspec gem. Use of this executable may require accepting a licens... |
55 | 5,631 | 3,257 | chefstyle | RuboCop configuration for Chef's ruby projects |
56 | 5,681 | 6,852 | gcewinpass | Reset a password on a Google Compute Engine instance running Windows. |
57 | 5,903 | 4,874 | knife | The knife CLI for Chef Infra. |
58 | 5,944 | 7,165 | win32-dir | The win32-dir library provides extra methods and constants for the
builtin Dir clas... |
59 | 6,055 | 7,921 | ffi-win32-extensions | The ffi-win32-extensions library adds additional methods to the FFI
and String clas... |
60 | 6,162 | 8,980 | chef-solr | Vendored Apache Solr for use with Chef Server |
61 | 6,255 | 13,192 | omnibus | Omnibus is a framework for building self-installing, full-stack software builds. |
62 | 6,375 | 9,870 | win32-eventlog | The win32-eventlog library provides an interface to the MS Windows event
log. Event... |
63 | 6,641 | 5,663 | inspec-core-bin | InSpec executable for inspec-core gem. Use of this executable may require accepting a l... |
64 | 6,667 | 8,146 | appbundle-updater | Updates appbundled apps in Chef's omnibus packages |
65 | 6,841 | 4,114 | k8s-ruby | Kubernetes client library for Ruby |
66 | 7,235 | 7,664 | chef-provisioning | A library for creating machines and infrastructures idempotently in Chef. |
67 | 7,631 | 8,980 | win32-ipc | The win32-ipc library provides the Win32::IPC class. This is meant to
serve as an a... |
68 | 7,767 | 13,787 | stove | A utility for releasing Chef Infra cookbooks |
69 | 7,846 | 9,080 | chef-server-api | A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen... |
70 | 7,899 | 9,128 | chef-server-webui | A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen... |
71 | 7,910 | 8,980 | win32-event | The win32-event library provides an interface to Windows event objects.
An event ob... |
72 | 8,331 | 10,357 | win32-taskscheduler | The win32-taskscheduler library provides an interface to the MS Windows
Task Schedu... |
73 | 8,647 | 3,806 | chef-licensing | Ruby library to support CLI tools that use Progress Chef license storage, generation, a... |
74 | 8,669 | 9,388 | community_cookbook_releaser | A simple script in gem form for releasing chef managed community cookbooks. |
75 | 8,872 | 8,294 | chef-provisioning-aws | Provisioner for creating aws containers in Chef Provisioning. |
76 | 9,143 | 10,357 | win32-mmap | The win32-mmap library provides an interface for memory mapped IO on
MS Windows. |
77 | 9,157 | 9,944 | win32-mutex | The win32-mutex library provides an interface for creating mutex objects
on MS Wind... |
78 | 9,241 | 8,936 | chef-dk | A streamlined development and deployment workflow for Chef platform. |
79 | 9,299 | 10,062 | win32-certstore | Ruby library for accessing the certificate stores on Windows. |
80 | 9,392 | 6,480 | chef-bin | Chef-branded binstubs for chef-client |
81 | 9,471 | 54,265 | knife-reporting | Knife plugin for Opscode Reporting. Adds two new commands 'knife runs show' and 'knife... |
82 | 9,509 | 10,192 | chef-expander | A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen... |
83 | 9,748 | 11,145 | knife-essentials | Universal knife verbs that work with your Chef repository |
84 | 9,916 | 22,528 | knife-vsphere | VMware vSphere support for Chef Infra's Knife command |
85 | 10,211 | 5,861 | chef-infra-api | A tiny Chef Infra API client with minimal dependencies |
86 | 10,436 | 54,265 | inspec-test-fixture | This gem is used to test the gem search and install capabilities of InSpec's plugin V2 ... |
87 | 10,901 | 11,400 | chef-provisioning-ssh | Provisioner for managing servers using ssh in Chef Provisioning. |
88 | 10,985 | 6,108 | train-kubernetes | A Train "transport" plugin for Chef Inspec that allows testing of all Kubernetes API re... |
89 | 11,589 | 8,512 | chef-provisioning-fog | Driver for creating Fog instances in Chef Provisioning. |
90 | 11,723 | 6,239 | fauxhai-chef | Easily mock out ohai data |
91 | 12,197 | 14,702 | knife-push | Knife plugin for Chef Push Jobs |
92 | 12,373 | 12,832 | compat_resource | Bring some new features of Chef 12.5 to previous 12.X releases |
93 | 12,802 | 12,472 | chef-vault-testfixtures | chef-vault-testfixtures provides an RSpec shared context that stubs access to chef-vaul... |
94 | 12,897 | 15,689 | kitchen-vcenter | Test Kitchen driver for VMware vCenter using SDK |
95 | 12,907 | 54,265 | win32-file-stat | The win32-file-stat library provides a custom File::Stat class
specifically tailore... |
96 | 12,994 | 54,265 | knife-rackspace | Rackspace Support for Chef's Knife Command |
97 | 13,252 | 29,394 | win32-file | The win32-file library adds several methods to the core File class which
are specif... |
98 | 13,599 | 26,879 | knife-ec-backup | Backup and Restore of Enterprise Chef |
99 | 13,639 | 16,718 | win32-clipboard | The win32-clipboard library provides an interface for interacting
with the Windows ... |
100 | 14,094 | 18,051 | knife-tidy | Report on stale Chef Infra Server nodes and cookbooks and clean up data integrity issue... |
101 | 15,441 | 54,265 | knife-opc | Knife Tools for Chef Infra Server |
102 | 15,711 | 29,394 | knife-openstack | A Chef Infra knife plugin for OpenStack clouds. |
103 | 15,985 | 9,832 | chef-powershell | External Chef module for accessing and utilizing PowerShell |
104 | 16,073 | 54,265 | knife-azure | A plugin to the Chef Infra knife tool for creating instances on the Microsoft Azure pla... |
105 | 16,195 | 22,528 | knife-supermarket | Knife support for interacting with Chef Supermarkets |
106 | 16,474 | 79,529 | knife-google | Google Compute Engine Support for Chef's Knife Command |
107 | 17,301 | 26,879 | knife-cloud | knife-cloud plugin |
108 | 18,876 | 13,670 | chef-apply | Ad-hoc management of individual nodes and devices. |
109 | 19,060 | 29,394 | veil | Veil is a Ruby Gem for generating secure secrets from a shared secret |
110 | 20,219 | 79,529 | win32-sapi | The win32-sapi library provides an interface to the MS Windows sound
interface, oth... |
111 | 20,327 | 54,265 | win32-sound | The win32-sound library provides an interface for playing various
sounds on MS Wind... |
112 | 21,357 | 33,024 | win32-pipe | The win32-pipe library provides an interface for named pipes on Windows.
A named pi... |
113 | 26,417 | 37,890 | win32-shortcut | The win32-shortcut library provides an interface for creating new
Windows shortcuts... |
114 | 26,644 | 54,265 | train-test-fixture | Train plugin used in testing Train's plugin loader and InSpec's plugin manager.
This pl... |
115 | 27,158 | 44,176 | kitchen-vra | A Test Kitchen driver for VMware vRealize Automation (vRA) |
116 | 27,361 | 79,529 | win32-file-security | The win32-file-security library adds security related methods to the
core File clas... |
117 | 27,680 | 21,585 | chef_backup | A library to backup a Chef Server |
118 | 27,846 | 33,024 | knife-vrealize | Chef Infra Knife plugin to interact with VMware vRealize. |
119 | 28,507 | 21,585 | chef-provisioning-vagrant | Driver for creating Vagrant instances in Chef Provisioning. |
120 | 28,740 | 19,506 | chef-provisioning-docker | Provisioner for creating Docker containers in Chef Provisioning. |
121 | 30,487 | 37,890 | knife-vcenter | Knife plugin to VMware vCenter. |
122 | 31,221 | 21,585 | chef-provisioning-azure | This is a driver that works with chef-provisioning that allows Chef Provisioning to man... |
123 | 32,581 | 26,879 | passwordmasker | Small Ruby class to store a password, but return masked characters for console output t... |
124 | 33,026 | 33,024 | win32-semaphore | The win32-semaphore library provides an interface to semaphore objects
on MS Window... |
125 | 34,226 | 29,394 | chef-reporting | Backport of Chef Reporting handler for Chef < 11.6.0 |
126 | 34,271 | 54,265 | opscode-pushy-client | Client for Chef push jobs server |
127 | 34,998 | 19,506 | chef_fixie | Low level manipulation tool for Chef Infra Server |
128 | 35,239 | 18,513 | bento-ya | bento-ya builds bento boxes |
129 | 35,489 | 79,529 | knife-bluebox | Chef knife plugin for Blue Box |
130 | 38,779 | 54,265 | omniauth-chef | OmniAuth strategy for Chef |
131 | 40,363 | 44,176 | win32-changenotify | The win32-changenotify library provides an interface for monitoring
changes in file... |
132 | 40,838 | 25,032 | chef-core | Composable common actions for assembling Chef workflows |
133 | 41,064 | 54,265 | kitchen-appbundle-updater | A Test Kitchen Driver for Appbundle-updater |
134 | 49,285 | 79,529 | win32-file-attributes | The win32-file-attribute library adds several file attribute methods to
the core Fi... |
135 | 49,424 | 79,529 | knife-maas | A knife plugin to interact with MAAS |
136 | 49,946 | 21,585 | community-zero | Self-contained, easy-setup, fast-start in-memory Chef Community Site for testing. |
137 | 49,946 | 79,529 | omniauth-chef-oauth2 | OmniAuth OAuth2 strategy for Chef. |
138 | 52,216 | 26,879 | win32-job | The win32-job library provides an interface for jobs (process groups)
on MS Windows... |
139 | 54,799 | 79,529 | knife-hp | HP Cloud Services Cloud support for Chef's Knife command |
140 | 55,792 | 79,529 | knife-linode | Linode Support for Chef's Knife Command |
141 | 60,879 | 79,529 | knife-eucalyptus | Eucalyptus Cloud Support for Chef's Knife Command |
142 | 61,811 | 26,879 | chef-provisioning-vra | A Chef Provisioning driver for VMware vRealize Automation (vRA) |
143 | 66,882 | 79,529 | win32-changejournal | The win32-changejournal library provides an interface for MS Windows
change journ... |
144 | 68,338 | 26,879 | chef-stove | A utility for releasing Chef Infra cookbooks |
145 | 72,109 | 33,024 | chef-provisioning-lxc | Provisioner for creating LXC containers in Chef Provisioning. |
146 | 74,923 | 25,032 | chef_deprecations | A gem to provide a simple way to deprecate gems in chef-workstation. |
147 | 77,238 | 29,394 | chef-core-actions | Common functionality for Chef ruby components |
148 | 79,945 | 79,529 | knife-vcair | VMware vcair support for Chef's Knife command |
149 | 84,349 | 79,529 | knife-oraclecloud | Knife plugin to interact with Oracle Cloud. |
150 | 90,910 | 79,529 | knife-analytics | Knife plugin for the Chef analytics platform. |
151 | 95,269 | 79,529 | win32-dirmonitor | The win32-dirmonitor library provides a way to asynchronously monitor
changes to fi... |
152 | 98,668 | 37,890 | kitchen-oraclecloud | A Test Kitchen driver for Oracle Cloud |
153 | 99,021 | 54,265 | chef-testing-1 | An elegant library for representing and comparing SemVer versions and constraints |
154 | 101,728 | 37,890 | inspec-vault | This plugin allows InSpec 'inputs' to be provided by a HashiCorp Vault installation. T... |
155 | 108,027 | 29,394 | train-alicloud | Allows applications using Train to speak to AliCloud; handles authentication, cacheing,... |
156 | 111,079 | 44,176 | kitchen-vcair | A Test Kitchen vCloud Air driver |
157 | 112,564 | 54,265 | oraclecloud | Client gem for interacting with the Oracle Cloud API. |
158 | 117,852 | 20,108 | chef-testing | An elegant library for representing and comparing SemVer versions and constraints |
159 | 119,655 | 44,176 | marketo_chef | Marketo API client for our common uses and error handling |
160 | 127,336 | 37,890 | kitchen-vro | A Test Kitchen driver for VMware vRealize Orchestrator (vRO) |
161 | 128,082 | 79,529 | knife-terremark | Terremark Cloud Support for Chef's Knife Command |
162 | 132,871 | 79,529 | sensu-plugins-chef-automate | Checks that are specific to the Chef Automate product |
163 | 135,497 | 54,265 | chef-analytics | A Chef analytics API client with minimal dependencies |
164 | 136,769 | 79,529 | windows-cng | The windows-cng library is a wrapper for the next generation Windows
cryptography API. |
165 | 144,309 | 25,032 | omnibus-software | Open Source software build descriptions for use with Omnibus |
166 | 146,156 | 54,265 | inspec-objects | Library that provides an API for programmatically creating InSpec profiles |
167 | 153,466 | 79,529 | inspec-k8s | A k8s plugin for inspec |
168 | 156,972 | 79,529 | inspec-release | A plugin to release inspec profiles |
169 | 157,347 | 79,529 | train-k8s | A k8s plugin for inspec |
170 | 158,375 | 44,176 | train-vault | train-vault plugin UNDER CONSTRUCTION |
171 | 159,691 | 44,176 | chef-provisioning-google | Provisioner for creating google containers in Chef Provisioning. |
172 | 161,690 | 54,265 | chef-community-zero | Self-contained, easy-setup, fast-start in-memory Chef Community Site for testing. |
173 | 169,504 | 54,265 | inspec-resource-lister | Example for implementing an InSpec Plugin. This simply lists available resources. |
174 | 170,125 | 79,529 | knife-lpar | LPAR creation |
175 | 171,754 | 79,529 | train-digitalocean | This plugin provides the backend handling for InSpec to talk to digitalocean |
176 | 177,836 | 54,265 | chefspec-chef | ChefSpec is a unit testing and resource coverage (code coverage) framework for testing ... |