Gitlab_rubygems's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19051,488gitlab-labkitInstrumentation for GitLab
29191,488gitlab-markupThis gem is used by GitLab to render any non Markdown markup
31,0401,445gitalyAuto-generated gRPC client for gitaly. To publish new versions see
41,0741,257prometheus-client-mmapA suite of instrumentation metric primitives that can be exposed through a web services...
51,0781,535gitlab-stylesGitLab style guides and shared style configs.
61,1421,473gitlab_omniauth-ldapA LDAP strategy for OmniAuth.
71,1811,213gitlab-licensegitlab-license helps you generate, verify and enforce software licenses.
81,2071,473grape-path-helpersRoute path helpers for Grape
91,2441,272gitlab-dangerfilesThis gem provides common Dangerfile and plugins for GitLab projects.
101,2451,488gitlab_chronic_durationA simple Ruby natural language parser for elapsed time. (For example, 4 hours and 30 mi...
111,2551,448slack-messengerA slim ruby wrapper for posting to slack webhooks
121,2611,488gitlab-net-dnsNet::DNS is a pure Ruby DNS library, with a clean OO interface and an extensible API.
131,2661,480gitlab-chronicChronic is a natural language date/time parser written in pure Ruby.
141,2691,473gitlab-fog-azure-rmThis is a stripped-down fork of fog-azure-rm that enables Azure Blob Storage to be used...
151,3031,478gitlab-experimentGitLab experimentation library.
161,3461,601test_file_finderCommand-line tool for guessing which spec files are relevant to a set of input file paths.
171,4071,413tanuki_emojiTanuki Emoji provides Emoji character information and metadata with support for Noto Em...
181,5651,139gitlab_quality-test_toolingA collection of test-related tools.
191,5763,740rubocop-gitlab-securityBasic security checking for Ruby files. A plugin for the RuboCop code style enforcing &...
201,58515,676kas-grpcAuto-generated gRPC client for KAS
211,6501,647graphlytecraft graphql queries with ruby
221,7151,467semver_dialectsThis gem helps to parse, process and compare semantic versions for Maven, NPM, PHP, Rub...
231,752415gitlab-triageGitLab triage automation project.
241,7661,502devfileLibrary used to generate kubernetes manifests from a Devfile.
251,94918,028gitlab-gollum-libA simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.
261,96416,714gitlab-gollum-rugged_adapterAdapter for Gollum to use Rugged (libgit2) at the backend.
271,9671,382gitlab-sdkClient side Ruby SDK for GitLab Application services
281,9811,496gitlab-glfm-markdownMarkdown processing for GitLab Flavored Markdown
292,4151,664gitlab-qaIntegration tests for GitLab
302,5401,461gitlab-kas-grpcAuto-generated gRPC client for KAS
312,6371,509gitlab-security_report_schemasRuby gem for GitLab security report JSON schemas
323,1026,583ipynbdiffBetter diff for Jupyter Notebooks by first preprocessing them and removing clutter
333,26354,620gitlab-pumaPuma is a simple, fast, threaded, and highly concurrent HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Rack a...
343,29754,620gitlab-puma_worker_killerKills pumas, the code kind
353,32054,620chemlabAutomation framework built by GitLab, for the world.
363,33654,620chemlab-library-www-gitlab-comPage Libraries for
373,35214,779gitlab-gritGrit is a Ruby library for extracting information from a git repository in an object or...
383,44524,730gitaly-protoAuto-generated gRPC client for gitaly.
393,4621,511gitlab-cloud-connectorThis gem provides common CloudConnector configuration and libraries for GitLab projects.
403,52819,606static_holmescharlock_holmes provides binary and text detection as well as text transcoding using li...
414,22954,620gitlab-pry-byebugCombine 'pry' with 'byebug'. Adds 'step', 'next', 'finish', 'continue' and 'break' ...
424,5171,468gitlab-secret_detectionGitLab Secret Detection gem accepts text-based payloads, matches them against predefine...
434,56954,620confinerYaml rule-based confinement
444,63519,606gitlab_gitGitLab wrapper around git objects
456,7792,941gitlab-exporterGitLab metrics exporter to use with prometheus
467,70454,620gitlab_metaGitLab meta gem
477,96854,620gitlab_emojiGitLab emoji assets
488,55436,248gitlab-elasticsearch-gitElasticsearch integrations for indexing git repositories.
498,63154,620gitlab-grackRuby/Rack Git Smart-HTTP Server Handler
5010,08754,620gitlab-linguistGitLab Language detection
5111,14454,620gitlab-turbolinks-classicTurbolinks makes following links in your web application faster (use with Rails Asset P...
5211,6702,962gitlab-ruby-shadowThis module provides access to shadow passwords on Linux, OSX, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and So...
5313,19419,606gitlab_kramdownGitLab Flavored Markdown extensions on top of Kramdown markup. Tries to be as close as ...
5413,76654,620gitlab-pygments.rbpygments.rb exposes the pygments syntax highlighter to Ruby
5516,90436,248html-pipeline-gitlabExtension filters for html-pipeline used by GitLab
5616,97721,695gitlab-development-kitCLI for GitLab Development Kit.
5728,41354,620gitlab_ci_metaGitLab CI meta gem
5830,07910,988gitlab-releasesUtilities for GitLab releases and versions
5930,31054,620gitlab_yaml_dbGitLab fork. YamlDb is a database-independent format for dumping and restoring data. I...
6031,07954,620fluent-plugin-postgresql-csvlogfluentd plugins to work with PostgreSQL CSV logs
6138,1386,583gitlab-housekeeperHousekeeping following
6239,0176,583gitlab-utilsA set of useful helpers methods to perform various conversions and checks.
6339,0446,583activerecord-gitlabGitLab stores any patches relating to ActiveRecord here
6439,0516,583gitlab-schema-validationCompares the differences between a structure.sql file and a database and reports th...
6539,0996,583gitlab-httpReserved for GitLab
6639,1956,583gitlab-rspecA set of useful helpers to configure RSpec with various stubs and CI configs.
6739,2016,583gitlab-safe_request_storeProvides a safe interface for RequestStore even when it is not active.
6839,2356,541click_house-clientThis Gem provides a simple way to query ClickHouse databases using the HTTP interface.
6939,3146,583gitlab-database-lock_retriesReserved for GitLab
7039,3386,583gitlab-database-load_balancingProvides a code on top of existing databases to support read-only replicas.
7139,3446,583gitlab-rspec_flakyThis gem provide an RSpec listener that allows to detect flaky examples. See https://do...
7244,77818,028gitlab-fluent-plugin-redis-slowlogEmit redis slowlog entries into fluentd
7354,00736,248y-rb_actioncableAn ActionCable companion for Y.js clients.
7464,54054,620driCLI app to help triage GitLab QA pipelines
7577,29954,620gitlab-monitorGitLab monitoring tools to use with prometheus
7686,79611,610gitlab-username_bot_identifierParse GitLab usernames to determine whether they appear to be bots.
77105,05854,620chemlab-library-gitlabChemlab Page Libraries for GitLab
78107,6936,583gitlab-active-contextAbstraction for indexing and searching vectors
79108,42754,620omniauth2-gitlabDeprecated! Use instead.
80111,74054,620gitlab-cngCLI tool to setup environment and deploy CNG builds
81139,15154,620gitlab-pages-protoAuto-generated gRPC client for gitlab-pages.
82140,27054,620chemlab-library-the-internetChemlab Library for "The Internet"
83155,12054,620gitlab-rougeRouge aims to a be a simple, easy-to-extend drop-in replacement for pygments.
84160,52454,620gitlab-grape-swaggerAdd auto generated documentation to your Grape API that can be displayed with Swagger.
85165,07536,248gitlab-client-cacheStore fetched responses locally.
86170,45554,620chemlab-library-customersdotChemlab Page Libraries for CustomersDot
87178,29154,620bundler-checksumTrack checksums locally with Bundler
88179,54754,620labkit-rubyThis is not the labit you're looking for, please see gitlab-labkit
89179,56054,620devise-pbkdf2-encryptableExtension that allows Devise to use PBKDF2 password hashing
90180,01054,620mail-smtp_poolMail extension for sending using an SMTP connection pool
91180,21354,620error_tracking_open_apiThis schema describes the API endpoints for the error tracking feature
92180,37754,620gitlab-feature_flag_alertTool that alerts on overdue GitLab feature flags
93180,38854,620omnibus-gitlabPlaceholder gem to reserve the name
94180,38854,620cloud_profiler_agentProfiling agent for Google Cloud Profiler
95183,12854,620gitlab-backup-cliGitLab Backup CLI