Hmdne's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,7679,463opalOpal is a Ruby to JavaScript compiler. It is source-to-source, making it fast as a runt...
210,30628,086opal-railsRails bindings for opal JS engine
311,35035,144opal-jqueryOpal DOM library for jQuery (Use jQuery with Ruby code)
413,21319,942opal-sprocketsSprockets support for Opal.
513,23435,144opal-activesupportThe port of the glorious ActiveSupport for Opal
613,32522,311opal-rspecOpal compatible RSpec library
718,92989,538paggioRuby, HTML and CSS at war.
821,79389,538opal-browserBrowser support for Opal.
932,61040,337opal-hamlRun Haml templates client-side with Opal.
1062,28658,808roda-sprocketsUse sprockets to serve assets in roda.
1173,87589,538opal-optimizerOptimize Opal's resulting javascript code
12116,77447,536opal-js_wrap-three(Mostly) raw wrapper for the Three.js library for Opal
13121,96489,538opal-erubiRun Erubi templates client-side with Opal.
14136,32089,538rkelly-turboRKelly Turbo is a fork of the RKelly Remix[] which ...
15157,71047,536closure-compiler-updatedA Ruby Wrapper for the Google Closure Compiler. Updated.
16170,85658,808minijsonA mini JSON parser
17178,78847,536nanoc-opalProvides an :opal filter for Nanoc