1 | 6,019 | 9,133 | opal | Opal is a Ruby to JavaScript compiler. It is source-to-source, making it fast as a runt... |
2 | 10,760 | 17,870 | opal-rails | Rails bindings for opal JS engine |
3 | 11,884 | 18,581 | opal-jquery | Opal DOM library for jQuery (Use jQuery with Ruby code) |
4 | 13,626 | 15,659 | opal-sprockets | Sprockets support for Opal. |
5 | 13,850 | 28,787 | opal-rspec | Opal compatible RSpec library |
6 | 13,854 | 64,925 | opal-activesupport | The port of the glorious ActiveSupport for Opal |
7 | 19,575 | 50,367 | paggio | Ruby, HTML and CSS at war. |
8 | 22,300 | 42,007 | opal-browser | Browser support for Opal. |
9 | 32,717 | 64,925 | opal-haml | Run Haml templates client-side with Opal. |
10 | 61,848 | 97,878 | roda-sprockets | Use sprockets to serve assets in roda. |
11 | 72,909 | 97,878 | opal-optimizer | Optimize Opal's resulting javascript code |
12 | 80,520 | 14,897 | closure-compiler-updated | A Ruby Wrapper for the Google Closure Compiler. Updated. |
13 | 113,225 | 97,878 | opal-js_wrap-three | (Mostly) raw wrapper for the Three.js library for Opal |
14 | 119,661 | 64,925 | opal-erubi | Run Erubi templates client-side with Opal. |
15 | 136,071 | 97,878 | rkelly-turbo | RKelly Turbo is a fork of the RKelly Remix[https://github.com/nene/rkelly-remix]
which ... |
16 | 172,329 | 97,878 | minijson | A mini JSON parser |
17 | 179,619 | 97,878 | nanoc-opal | Provides an :opal filter for Nanoc |