Elia's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,4091,445composite_primary_keysComposite key support for ActiveRecord
22,2072,063defaceDeface is a library that allows you to customize ERB, Haml and Slim views in a Rails ap...
33,4252,211solidus_apiREST API for the Solidus e-commerce framework.
43,4362,208solidus_coreEssential models, mailers, and classes for the Solidus e-commerce project.
53,4382,220solidus_backendAdmin interface for the Solidus e-commerce framework.
63,5012,184solidus_supportCommon runtime helpers for Solidus extensions.
73,5292,215solidus_sampleSample data (including images) for use with Solidus.
83,5502,223solidusSolidus is an open source e-commerce framework for Ruby on Rails.
93,5512,234solidus_frontendLegacy cart and storefront for the Solidus e-commerce project. For new Solidus apps, we...
103,5682,207solidus_auth_deviseProvides authentication and authorization services for use with Solidus by using Devise...
114,3122,315solidus_gatewayAdditional Payment Gateways for Solidus
124,7462,383solidus_braintreeUses the javascript API for seamless braintree payments
135,76412,250opalOpal is a Ruby to JavaScript compiler. It is source-to-source, making it fast as a runt...
147,0242,335solidus_stripeStripe Payment Method for Solidus
157,2154,707activeadmin-mongoidActiveAdmin hacks to support Mongoid (some ActiveAdmin features are disabled)
1610,30131,961opal-railsRails bindings for opal JS engine
1711,0626,426solidus_commentsAdds comments to the solidus admin
1811,34442,915opal-jqueryOpal DOM library for jQuery (Use jQuery with Ruby code)
1911,9646,263solidus_reviewsReview and rating functionality for your Solidus store.
2012,0495,368erb-formatterFormat ERB files with speed and precision.
2113,20726,173opal-sprocketsSprockets support for Opal.
2213,22727,806opal-activesupportThe port of the glorious ActiveSupport for Opal
2313,29411,818solidus_i18nA collection of translations for Solidus.
2413,32021,758opal-rspecOpal compatible RSpec library
2514,3697,039solidus_dev_supportDevelopment tools for Solidus extensions.
2615,32612,895solidus_webhooksWebhooks support for Solidus
2715,68349,460solidus_static_contentManage the static pages of your Solidus store or replace existing pages with a static v...
2815,7529,201solidus_product_assemblyMake bundle of products to your Solidus store
2917,57714,633solidus_paypal_commerce_platformIntegrate Solidus with Paypal Commerce Platform
3018,92331,961paggioRuby, HTML and CSS at war.
3119,79320,331solidus_multi_domainMultiple Solidus stores on different domains - single unified backed for processing ord...
3220,03649,460solidus_related_productsAllows multiple types of relationships between products to be defined
3321,79029,768opal-browserBrowser support for Opal.
3421,82160,164spectatorWatches specs for a Ruby (1.8 or 1.9) or Rails (2 or 3) project
3523,03814,444solidus_socialAdds social network login services (OAuth) to Solidus
3625,21524,763dimensions-railsUse dimensions by @sstephenson to add automatic images size and improve browser rendering
3725,36420,978solidus_jwtAdd Json Web Tokens to Solidus API
3828,22523,617cap-git-deployMikamai-style capistrano git deployment strategy
3928,59385,863solidus_trackersBreaking out trackers from solidus core
4031,72620,331solidus_editorCurrently supported editors are CKEditor and TinyMCE
4132,15926,173rails_console_toolkitFind records faster, add custom helpers, improve your console life by 100%.
4232,61034,713opal-hamlRun Haml templates client-side with Opal.
4334,02085,863eliauseful stuff...
4437,62885,863tmbundle-managerTextMate 2 Bundle/Package Manager
4540,43526,173solidus_volume_pricingAllow prices to be configured in quantity ranges for each variant
4646,32185,863solidus_paypal_braintreeUses the javascript API for seamless braintree payments
4746,89985,863fuubar-legacyThe instafailing RSpec progress bar formatter for rspec-1
4855,34685,863solidus_asset_variant_optionsSpree makes it tedious to upload the same image acrossmultiple variants. This gem solve...
4956,47485,863haml2erbHaml to ERB Converter
5060,87622,635solidus_prototypesBreaking out prototypes from solidus
5163,53985,863react.rbWrite reactive UI component with Ruby's elegancy and compiled to run in Javascript.
5264,80385,863solidus_cmdtools to create new Solidus extensions
5367,41060,164solidus_paybrightThis extension provides the Paybright payment option for your Solidus storefront
5469,16385,863tk-winRubyTk bindings for windows bundled with tcltklib.so and tkutil.so for windows RubyInst...
5571,10385,863solidus_sitemapProvides a sitemap file for Solidus
5676,90685,863rspec-rails-watchrWatches specs for a Rails (2 or 3) project
5780,22834,713erb-linterCheck your ERB files for closing tags, indentation, bad attributes etc.
5884,20785,863solidus_virtual_gift_cardVirtual gift card for purchase, drops into the user's account as store credit
5984,78885,863solidus_signifydSolidus extension for communicating with Signifyd to check orders for fraud.
6085,26313,734solidus_adminAdmin interface for the Solidus e-commerce framework.
6186,67885,863solidus_product_feedA Solidus extension that provides an RSS feed for products, with support for Google Mer...
6287,78985,863ie-compatSick of reimplementing `console.log` every time you have to support Microsoft Internet ...
6389,05685,863localizerIncludes localization helpers for: routing, views and controllers.
6490,43985,863solidus_active_shippingProvide shipping rates and tracking for Active Merchant carriers
6592,41560,164solidus_subscriptionsAdd subscription support to Solidus
6694,81885,863solidus_avataxSolidus extension to retrieve tax rates via Avalara's SOAP API.
6796,08385,863solidus_print_invoicePrint invoices from a spree order
68100,15985,863solidus_legacy_return_authorizationsProvides models and admin interfaces to interact with the LegacyReturnAuthorization mod...
69100,92585,863time_tapTimeTap helps you track the time you spend coding on each project while in TextMate.
70105,04485,863obviewsRestores the obvious OOP method interface between Rails controllers and views
71107,62785,863solidus_contentManage your Solidus content sources
72109,62385,863solidus_respondersRemoving responders out of solidus core
73116,22860,164compagesHere are the main features/aims of the project: * A pleasant user interface * Drag-n-dr...
74118,09185,863solidus_importerSolidus Importer extension to migrate data from other eCommerce systems
75118,82060,164solidus_log_viewerAdds the ability to view payment logs in the admin
76120,27349,460buffalo-runOh boy!, It's Buffalo!
77124,98485,863hammurabiKing Hammurabi's famous code
78128,86485,863path_operatorAdds the / operator to String, Symbol and Pathname
79130,42985,863red_queryProvides DOM, Ajax, JSON functionality for Red. Heavy usage of jQuery.
80132,50285,863opal-viennaClient side MVC framework for Opal
81142,14585,863solidus_papertrailViews to see Order, Payment and Shipment Papertrail versions
83162,98385,863solidus_starter_frontendCart and storefront for the Solidus e-commerce project.
84163,58860,164capistrano-server-plugMake the deploy server a simple capistrano setting
85163,87760,164capistrano-uwsgiSimple uWSGI management with capistrano
86164,10785,863route-deprecationsAdds ability to deprecate routes from config routes
87164,47460,164tumbleweedMechanized tumblr theme uploads
88172,51560,164receptiveThe perfect toolkit to lighten up your existing HTML
89172,86885,863indagoLightweight drop-in Ransack replacement without the ActiveRecord hackery.
90174,23527,806solidus_zip_zonesCreate zone zip code based