1 | 620 | 502 | mixlib-shellout | Run external commands on Unix or Windows |
2 | 656 | 351 | artifactory | A Ruby client for Artifactory |
3 | 682 | 696 | ohai | Ohai profiles your system and emits JSON |
4 | 756 | 666 | mixlib-config | A class based configuration library |
5 | 786 | 710 | mixlib-log | A gem that provides a simple mixin for log functionality |
6 | 866 | 762 | chef-config | Chef Infra's default configuration and config loading library |
7 | 891 | 701 | ffi-yajl | Ruby FFI wrapper around YAJL 2.x |
8 | 917 | 736 | libyajl2 | Installs a vendored copy of libyajl2 for distributions which lack it |
9 | 923 | 772 | wmi-lite | A lightweight utility over win32ole for accessing basic WMI (Windows Management Instrum... |
10 | 999 | 588 | chef-utils | Basic utility functions for Core Chef Infra development |
11 | 1,036 | 1,724 | mixlib-versioning | General purpose Ruby library that allows you to parse, compare and manipulate version s... |
12 | 1,082 | 1,779 | mixlib-install | A library for interacting with Chef Software Inc's software distribution systems. |
13 | 1,311 | 2,842 | chef | A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen... |
14 | 1,327 | 2,103 | mixlib-authentication | Mixes in simple per-request authentication |
15 | 1,440 | 3,006 | chef-zero | Self-contained, easy-setup, fast-start in-memory Chef server for testing and solo setup... |
16 | 1,457 | 2,111 | chef-vault | Data encryption support for Chef Infra using data bags |
17 | 1,647 | 2,122 | mixlib-archive | A simple interface to various archive formats |
18 | 1,685 | 1,880 | semverse | An elegant library for representing and comparing SemVer versions and constraints |
19 | 2,024 | 2,214 | solve | A Ruby version constraint solver |
20 | 2,142 | 4,843 | ridley | A reliable Chef API client with a clean syntax |
21 | 2,214 | 3,271 | berkshelf | Manages a Chef cookbook's dependencies |
22 | 2,239 | 5,607 | varia_model | A mixin to provide objects with magic attribute reading and writing |
23 | 2,249 | 5,617 | buff-extensions | Extensions to Core Ruby classes |
24 | 2,267 | 5,628 | buff-shell_out | A mixin for issuing shell commands and collecting the output |
25 | 2,270 | 5,628 | buff-ruby_engine | A mixin for querying the platform running Ruby |
26 | 2,274 | 5,607 | buff-config | A simple configuration class |
27 | 2,868 | 2,982 | chefspec | ChefSpec is a unit testing and resource coverage (code coverage) framework for testing ... |
28 | 2,912 | 4,118 | license_scout | Discovers license files of a project's dependencies. |
29 | 3,281 | 4,091 | foodcritic | A code linting tool for Chef Infra cookbooks. |
30 | 3,746 | 6,320 | berkshelf-api-client | API Client for communicating with a Berkshelf API server |
31 | 3,772 | 3,506 | cookstyle | Cookstyle is a code linting tool that helps you to write better Chef Infra cookbooks by... |
32 | 3,868 | 2,494 | cookbook-omnifetch | Library code to fetch Chef cookbooks from a variety of sources to a local cache |
33 | 3,886 | 7,710 | knife-acl | Knife plugin to manupulate Chef server access control lists |
34 | 3,980 | 3,297 | chef-cleanroom | Ruby is an excellent programming language for creating and managing custom DSLs, but ho... |
35 | 4,606 | 6,734 | knife-windows | Plugin that adds functionality to Chef's Knife CLI for configuring/interacting with nod... |
36 | 4,673 | 7,234 | dep_selector | Given packages, versions, and a dependency graph, find a valid assignment of package ve... |
37 | 4,697 | 6,262 | knife-ec2 | Amazon EC2 Support for Chef's Knife Command |
38 | 4,707 | 4,971 | cheffish | A set of Chef resources for configuring Chef Infra. |
39 | 4,980 | 6,855 | dep-selector-libgecode | Installs a vendored copy of Gecode suitable for use with dep-selector |
40 | 5,243 | 5,471 | appbundler | Extracts a dependency solution from bundler's Gemfile.lock to speed gem activation |
41 | 5,616 | 5,402 | chefstyle | RuboCop configuration for Chef's ruby projects |
42 | 5,623 | 5,035 | gcewinpass | Reset a password on a Google Compute Engine instance running Windows. |
43 | 5,978 | 3,839 | knife | The knife CLI for Chef Infra. |
44 | 6,030 | 43,406 | chef-solr | Vendored Apache Solr for use with Chef Server |
45 | 6,138 | 13,059 | omnibus | Omnibus is a framework for building self-installing, full-stack software builds. |
46 | 6,217 | 5,642 | em-winrm | EventMachine based, asynchronous parallel WinRM client |
47 | 6,626 | 6,757 | appbundle-updater | Updates appbundled apps in Chef's omnibus packages |
48 | 7,150 | 8,827 | chef-provisioning | A library for creating machines and infrastructures idempotently in Chef. |
49 | 7,266 | 19,773 | vagrant-omnibus | A Vagrant plugin that ensures the desired version of Chef is installed via the platform... |
50 | 7,513 | 15,014 | vagrant-berkshelf | A Vagrant plugin to add Berkshelf integration to the Chef provisioners |
51 | 7,517 | 43,406 | chef-server-api | A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen... |
52 | 7,566 | 35,214 | chef-server-webui | A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen... |
53 | 7,879 | 35,214 | chef-server | A meta-gem to install all server components of the Chef configuration management system |
54 | 8,651 | 6,907 | community_cookbook_releaser | A simple script in gem form for releasing chef managed community cookbooks. |
55 | 8,723 | 12,593 | chef-provisioning-aws | Provisioner for creating aws containers in Chef Provisioning. |
56 | 9,128 | 9,660 | chef-dk | A streamlined development and deployment workflow for Chef platform. |
57 | 9,258 | 66,923 | knife-reporting | Knife plugin for Opscode Reporting. Adds two new commands 'knife runs show' and 'knife... |
58 | 9,315 | 66,923 | chef-expander | A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen... |
59 | 9,317 | 10,499 | chef-bin | Chef-branded binstubs for chef-client |
60 | 9,653 | 8,664 | knife-essentials | Universal knife verbs that work with your Chef repository |
61 | 10,792 | 9,235 | chef-provisioning-ssh | Provisioner for managing servers using ssh in Chef Provisioning. |
62 | 11,496 | 13,306 | chef-provisioning-fog | Driver for creating Fog instances in Chef Provisioning. |
63 | 12,001 | 66,923 | knife-push | Knife plugin for Chef Push Jobs |
64 | 12,140 | 43,406 | compat_resource | Bring some new features of Chef 12.5 to previous 12.X releases |
65 | 12,598 | 15,014 | chef-vault-testfixtures | chef-vault-testfixtures provides an RSpec shared context that stubs access to chef-vaul... |
66 | 12,733 | 43,406 | knife-rackspace | Rackspace Support for Chef's Knife Command |
67 | 13,448 | 20,993 | knife-ec-backup | Backup and Restore of Enterprise Chef |
68 | 15,223 | 43,406 | knife-opc | Knife Tools for Chef Infra Server |
69 | 15,494 | 66,923 | knife-openstack | A Chef Infra knife plugin for OpenStack clouds. |
70 | 15,923 | 35,214 | knife-azure | A plugin to the Chef Infra knife tool for creating instances on the Microsoft Azure pla... |
71 | 15,949 | 30,535 | knife-supermarket | Knife support for interacting with Chef Supermarkets |
72 | 16,330 | 26,806 | knife-google | Google Compute Engine Support for Chef's Knife Command |
73 | 16,433 | 12,006 | chef-powershell | External Chef module for accessing and utilizing PowerShell |
74 | 17,491 | 66,923 | berkshelf-api | Berkshelf dependency API server |
75 | 18,338 | 66,923 | buff-platform | A mixin for querying the platform running Ruby |
76 | 27,548 | 66,923 | chef_backup | A library to backup a Chef Server |
77 | 27,754 | 43,406 | berkflow | A CLI for managing Chef Environments using Berkshelf and the Environment Cookbook Pattern. |
78 | 27,940 | 66,923 | knife-vrealize | Chef Infra Knife plugin to interact with VMware vRealize. |
79 | 28,182 | 43,406 | chef-provisioning-vagrant | Driver for creating Vagrant instances in Chef Provisioning. |
80 | 28,455 | 43,406 | chef-provisioning-docker | Provisioner for creating Docker containers in Chef Provisioning. |
81 | 30,877 | 66,923 | chef-provisioning-azure | This is a driver that works with chef-provisioning that allows Chef Provisioning to man... |
82 | 32,849 | 30,535 | passwordmasker | Small Ruby class to store a password, but return masked characters for console output t... |
83 | 33,783 | 66,923 | chef-reporting | Backport of Chef Reporting handler for Chef < 11.6.0 |
84 | 33,859 | 66,923 | opscode-pushy-client | Client for Chef push jobs server |
85 | 35,199 | 66,923 | knife-bluebox | Chef knife plugin for Blue Box |
86 | 35,297 | 35,214 | chef_fixie | Low level manipulation tool for Chef Infra Server |
87 | 38,958 | 66,923 | omniauth-chef | OmniAuth strategy for Chef |
88 | 40,727 | 18,743 | kitchen-appbundle-updater | A Test Kitchen Driver for Appbundle-updater |
89 | 49,215 | 66,923 | knife-maas | A knife plugin to interact with MAAS |
90 | 54,437 | 43,406 | knife-hp | HP Cloud Services Cloud support for Chef's Knife command |
91 | 55,361 | 66,923 | knife-linode | Linode Support for Chef's Knife Command |
92 | 60,343 | 66,923 | knife-eucalyptus | Eucalyptus Cloud Support for Chef's Knife Command |
93 | 61,586 | 66,923 | chef-provisioning-vra | A Chef Provisioning driver for VMware vRealize Automation (vRA) |
94 | 71,778 | 66,923 | chef-provisioning-lxc | Provisioner for creating LXC containers in Chef Provisioning. |
95 | 79,662 | 66,923 | knife-vcair | VMware vcair support for Chef's Knife command |
96 | 84,057 | 66,923 | knife-oraclecloud | Knife plugin to interact with Oracle Cloud. |
97 | 90,555 | 66,923 | knife-analytics | Knife plugin for the Chef analytics platform. |
98 | 112,121 | 66,923 | oraclecloud | Client gem for interacting with the Oracle Cloud API. |
99 | 127,499 | 66,923 | knife-terremark | Terremark Cloud Support for Chef's Knife Command |
100 | 159,178 | 66,923 | chef-provisioning-google | Provisioner for creating google containers in Chef Provisioning. |