Rogerdpack's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1111110osThe OS gem allows for some useful and easy functions, like (=> true or fals...
25891,144ruby-profruby-prof is a fast code profiler for Ruby. It is a C extension and therefore is many t...
32,6753,380specific_installrubygems plugin that allows you you to install a gem from from its github repository (l...
44,2495,411gnuplotUtility library to aid in interacting with gnuplot from ruby
57,9429,851saneHelpers for ruby core classes to make life easier-i.e. things that are missing from cor...
69,5248,035sensible-cinemaan EDL scene-skipper/bleeper that works with DVD's and files and online players like ne...
710,16216,879google_hashRuby wrappers to the google hash library
810,23024,037iobufferfast buffers for non-blocking IO
916,31818,639backtracerQuality backtraces for ruby
1017,38125,345revRev is a Ruby binding to the libev high performance event library
1117,38480,608mysqlplusEnhanced Ruby MySQL driver
1217,790138,048faster_rubygemsfaster gem loading
1318,09335,906whichrwindows friendly which command
1418,656138,048faster_requireA tool designed to speedup library loading (startup time) in Ruby by caching library lo...
1520,654138,048afterCommand to allow you to wait for a command in "some other terminal window" to finish be...
1624,40366,732openssl-nonblockNon-blocking support for Ruby OpenSSL
1728,865138,048rdp-ruby-wmiruby-wmi by Gordon Thiesfeld gthiesfeld@gmai...
1831,542138,048faster_gem_scriptA utility to make ruby "command line scripts" run much faster by using gem prelude inst...
1937,27839,504ri_forruby method describer to make it possible to inspect methods [rdoc, signature, etc.] at...
2037,62439,504rdp-win32screenshotCapture Screenshots on Windows with Ruby
2138,64643,933rdp-argumentsYou don't have to wait until Ruby 2.0 to get (named|keyword) arguments support. Argumen...
2241,86743,933ruby_core_riA gem to make it possible to have the core ri/rdoc (especially useful if your distro di...
2354,083138,048displayruby tool for quick debug statements display a, b => 'spec.display,9: a=3, b=3' without...
2454,596138,048desc_methodruby method describer to make it possible to inspect methods [rdoc, signature, etc.] at...
2557,66380,608tk_as_gemthe tk extension extracted from core and gem-ified
2659,62256,740simple_gui_creatorFramework to ease in creation of ruby GUI apps. Makes designing windows a snap.
2768,028138,048fast_requireA tool designed to speedup library loading in Ruby by caching library locations
2868,848138,048gem_file_conflict_checkerA gem plugin to warn you when you accidentally install files with names that collide ac...
2971,17580,608wait_pidthe wait_pid command -- (ruby gem/binary for waiting on an arbitrary external pid, doze...
3071,915101,206rdp-rb-readlinePure Ruby readline
3174,44380,608table_syncertool to synchronize data across databases
3274,98180,608windows_ioniceA command that helps windows run faster by punshing resource hogging processes (cpu/disk)
3378,912138,048rbeautifyprettifier/beautifier for Ruby code [from]
3489,610101,206showruby tool for quick debug print statements, like: show(a, b) (prints out '[spec.analyze...
3591,436138,048rdp-mysql2A simple, fast Mysql library for Ruby, binding to libmysql
3693,569101,206windows_backport_process_spawnProcess.spawn for 1.8.6
3794,718101,206rdp-ffi-inlinerWith ffi-inliner you can run C code within your ruby script.
38102,320101,206timerrsimple "time how long this executable takes" (the time method from bash, but works in w...
39116,630101,206crystalizerRuby2CExtension is a Ruby to C extension translator/compiler/concretizer.
40117,833138,048doctestdescription of gem
41118,174101,206git_installrubygems plugin to allow you to install an "edge" gem straight from its github repository
42119,001138,048rdp-require_allA wonderfully simple way to load your code
43119,682138,048ffi_ezThis gem allows you to use ffi like attach_ez 'puts', [:string] => :int
44122,902101,206content-editing-movie-playeran EDL scene-skipper/bleeper that works with DVD's and files and online players like ne...
45123,260138,048rdp-rmagickRMagick is an interface between Ruby and ImageMagick.
46123,322138,048rdp-ruby-profruby-prof is a fast code profiler for Ruby. It is a C extension and therefore is many t...
47124,381101,206mvn_watchA "continuous integration local tester" for maven projects (typically java), such that ...
48125,231138,048rdp-rubydoctestRuby version of Python's doctest tool, but a bit different.
49125,532138,048rdp-ruby_core_sourceRetrieve Ruby core source files
50125,776138,048rdp-ruby-snarlSnarl ( is a simple notification system, similar to ...
51127,779138,048rdp-jruby-profA Ruby level profiler for JRuby
52127,819138,048rdp-rautomationRAutomation is a small and easy to use library for helping out to automate windows and ...
53146,369138,048spawnrspawnr gem--easy spawning for window (i.e. backgrounding them so they don't take up you...