Tenderlove's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
175activesupportA toolkit of support libraries and Ruby core extensions extracted from the Rails framew...
2916rackRack provides a minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web application...
32020nokogiriNokogiri (鋸) makes it easy and painless to work with XML and HTML from Ruby. It provide...
43243builderBuilder provides a number of builder objects that make creating structured data simple ...
53337activemodelA toolkit for building modeling frameworks like Active Record. Rich support for attribu...
63550activerecordDatabases on Rails. Build a persistent domain model by mapping database tables to Ruby ...
73856actionpackWeb apps on Rails. Simple, battle-tested conventions for building and testing MVC web a...
84168railsRuby on Rails is a full-stack web framework optimized for programmer happiness and sust...
94362railtiesRails internals: application bootup, plugins, generators, and rake tasks.
104667actionmailerEmail on Rails. Compose, deliver, and test emails using the familiar controller/view pa...
1147262rubygems-updateA package (also known as a library) contains a set of functionality that can be invok...
124952actionviewSimple, battle-tested conventions and helpers for building web pages.
135757rails-html-sanitizerHTML sanitization for Rails applications
146066activejobDeclare job classes that can be run by a variety of queuing backends.
1561103sprocketsSprockets is a Rack-based asset packaging system that concatenates and serves JavaScrip...
166674rails-dom-testingThis gem can compare doms and assert certain elements exists in doms using Nokogiri.
177080globalidURIs for your models makes it easy to pass references around.
1874112sprockets-railsSprockets Rails integration
198317raccRacc is an LALR(1) parser generator. It is written in Ruby itself, and generates Ruby...
208671actioncableStructure many real-time application concerns into channels over a single WebSocket con...
21105202execjsExecJS lets you run JavaScript code from Ruby.
2211073activestorageAttach cloud and local files in Rails applications.
23113858arelArel Really Exasperates Logicians Arel is a SQL AST manager for Ruby. It 1. Simplifie...
24117135bcryptbcrypt() is a sophisticated and secure hash algorithm designed by The OpenBSD project ...
25139346jquery-railsThis gem provides jQuery and the jQuery-ujs driver for your Rails 4+ application.
26140431sass-railsSass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.
2714586actiontextEdit and display rich text in Rails applications.
2814687actionmailboxReceive and process incoming emails in Rails applications.
29159558coffee-script-sourceCoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript. Underneath all of ...
30162236jbuilderCreate JSON structures via a Builder-style DSL
31164565coffee-scriptRuby CoffeeScript is a bridge to the JS CoffeeScript compiler.
32177682coffee-railsCoffeeScript adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.
33183257springPreloads your application so things like console, rake and tests run faster
34187381mysql2A simple, fast Mysql library for Ruby, binding to libmysql
35243249net-http-persistentManages persistent connections using Net::HTTP including a thread pool for connecting t...
36258497sqlite3Ruby library to interface with the SQLite3 database engine (http://www.sqlite.org). Pre...
37264260rails-controller-testingExtracting `assigns` and `assert_template` from ActionDispatch.
38291884turbolinksRails engine for Turbolinks 5 support
39299324web-consoleA debugging tool for your Ruby on Rails applications.
40337310open4open child process with handles on pid, stdin, stdout, and stderr: manage child process...
413851,929rails-deprecated_sanitizerDeprecated sanitizer API extracted from Action View.
42400321stackprofstackprof is a fast sampling profiler for ruby code, with cpu, wallclock and object all...
43412920systemuuniversal capture of stdout and stderr and handling of child process pid for windows, *...
444331,098webpackerUse webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails
45455114psychPsych is a YAML parser and emitter. Psych leverages libyaml[https://pyyaml.org/wiki/Lib...
464711,427activeresourceREST on Rails. Wrap your RESTful web app with Ruby classes and work with them like Acti...
47627706require_allA wonderfully simple way to load your code
48642737activemodel-serializers-xmlXML serialization for your Active Model objects and Active Record models - extracted fr...
49803605charlock_holmescharlock_holmes provides binary and text detection as well as text transcoding using li...
50836468hanaImplementation of [JSON Patch][1] and [JSON Pointer][2] RFC.
51996157rack-sessionA session implementation for Rack.
521,0571,386mechanizeThe Mechanize library is used for automating interaction with websites. Mechanize autom...
531,0691,572rails-observersRails observer (removed from core in Rails 4.0)
541,1353,639journeyJourney is a router. It routes requests.
551,174780version_sorterVersionSorter is a C extension that does fast sorting of large sets of version strings.
561,1841,718bcrypt-rubybcrypt() is a sophisticated and secure hash algorithm designed by The OpenBSD project ...
571,3131,848libxml-rubyThe Libxml-Ruby project provides Ruby language bindings for the GNOME Libxml2 XML t...
581,5581,695rails_autolinkThis is an extraction of the `auto_link` method from rails. The `auto_link` method was ...
591,6211,904actionpack-action_cachingAction caching for Action Pack (removed from core in Rails 4.0)
601,6791,765optionsparse options from *args cleanly
611,8303,833protected_attributesProtect attributes from mass assignment
621,8392,224actionpack-xml_parserXML parameters parser for Action Pack (removed from core in Rails 4.0)
631,8742,408actionpack-page_cachingStatic page caching for Action Pack (removed from core in Rails 4.0)
641,9256,275sessionpersistent connections with external programs like bash
652,2371,644email_reply_parserEmailReplyParser is a small library to parse plain text email content. This is what Git...
662,4782,011record_tag_helperActionView Record Tag Helpers
672,8005,967sqlite3-rubyThis module allows Ruby programs to interface with the SQLite3 database engine (http://...
683,36910,598rubyforgeA script which automates a limited set of rubyforge operations. * Run 'rubyforge help'...
693,5806,582syckA gemified version of Syck from Ruby's stdlib. Syck has been removed from Ruby's stdli...
713,7878,698activesupport-json_encoderA pure-Ruby ActiveSupport JSON encoder
724,84511,716SyslogLoggerSyslogLogger is a Logger replacement that logs to syslog. It is almost drop-in with a ...
735,1145,667rails-ujsThis gem provides rails-ujs driver for Rails applications.
745,3691,494solid_queueDatabase-backed Active Job backend.
755,8701,652solid_cacheA database backed ActiveSupport::Cache::Store
765,9405,083gdaAn SQL parser. Wraps libgda in a loving embrace to give you a ruby level SQL parser.
776,0576,401rexicalRexical is a lexical scanner generator that is used with Racc to generate Ruby programs...
786,4595,947namecaseNameCase is a Ruby implementation of `Lingua::EN::NameCase`, a library for converting s...
797,22713,209serialportRuby/SerialPort is a Ruby library that provides a class for using RS-232 serial ports.
807,97225,466dnssdDNS Service Discovery (aka Bonjour, MDNS) API for Ruby. Implements browsing, resolving...
818,09033,464actionview-componentMOVED to view_component.
829,80567,808rkellyThe RKelly library will parse JavaScript and return a parse tree.
839,98418,750rc-restRobot Co-op REST web services base class. This library makes it easy to implement REST-...
8410,17838,090facebookerFacebooker is a Ruby wrapper over the Facebook[http://facebook.com] {REST API}[http://w...
8514,07429,831tagztagz.rb is generates html, xml, or any sgml variant like a small ninja running ...
8615,4624,031aarch64Tired of writing Ruby in Ruby? Now you can write ARM64 assembly in Ruby!
8715,6188,185ds9This library allows you to write HTTP/2 clients and servers. It is a wrapper around ngh...
8815,81622,746csspoolThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
8916,84667,808texticleTexticle exposes full text search capabilities from PostgreSQL, extending ActiveRec...
9017,31822,746johnsonJohnson wraps JavaScript in a loving Ruby embrace. It embeds the Mozilla SpiderMonkey J...
9119,90367,808takaTaka is a DOM (core and html) implementation for ruby. This software is EXTREMELY expe...
9220,34627,344terminatoran external timeout mechanism based on processes and signals
9322,81667,808slaveeasily start a drb server in another process
9424,54738,090minitest-emojiPrint out emoji for your test passes, fails, and skips
9524,84923,968horoAn RDoc template extracted from Ruby on Rails. Provides the same documetation style an...
9628,12829,831threadifymakes it stupid easy to process a bunch of data using n worker threads
9728,76867,808betabriteProvides a Ruby interface to BetaBrite LED signs.
9831,33545,971purdytestPurdytest extends minitest with pretty colors. Simply require minitest, then require p...
9935,51867,808shareda clean way to factor class/instance mixins in ruby
10035,73667,808daapclientThis library is used for browsing iTunes DAAP servers.
10138,36623,968icanhasaudioHai! icanhasaudio? is an interface to lame for decoding ur MP3s. I iz in ur computer. ...
10239,68367,808nfcNFC is a ruby wrapper for the Near Field Communication library. The Near Field Communi...
10340,10767,808rqruby queue is a zero-admin zero-configuration tool used to create instant unix clusters
10440,68745,971mmapThe Mmap class implement memory-mapped file objects
10746,64467,808ruby-serialportRuby/SerialPort is a Ruby library that provides a class for using RS-232 serial ports.
10952,08967,808spheroA ruby gem for controlling your Sphero ball. Sends commands over the TTY provided by t...
11053,92645,971meowSend Growl notifications via Ruby.
11157,01667,808tumblra command line utility and library which interfaces to the excellent tumblr blogging pl...
11259,13367,808miltonMilton fills out your ADP ezLaborManager timesheet
11359,14029,831imgur2Upload stuff to imgur. Yay.
11464,10367,808markup_validityMarkupValidity provides test/unit and rspec helpers for checking the validity of your d...
11570,09614,104profile-viewerThis gem packages the Mozilla Profiler so that you can run it locally
11771,31567,808zomgZOMG is an OMG IDL parser. ZOMG will generate a Ruby AST from an IDL AST, and will eve...
11871,72445,971ographObjectGraph will output Graphviz dot files of your objects in memory. It will ferret o...
11973,96367,808WillsItunesProjectReads itunes data from itunes library XML files and provides useful information regard...
12175,22467,808wrecksterWreckster is an API for accessing Rexster[http://wiki.github.com/tinkerpop/rexster/].
12275,46067,808av_captureWraps up AVCapture and exposes it to Ruby. This gem only works on OS X.
12375,79767,808fiskTired of writing Ruby in Ruby? Now you can write assembly in Ruby!
12478,92967,808writevThis gem adds the `writev` method to IO. It provides access to the `writev` system cal...
12581,08667,808pingpongpearIt is for ping pong pearing
12682,09245,971earwormEarworm can identify unknown music using MusicDNS and libofa. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: *...
12783,14733,464leap_motionWrapper around the C++ api for Leap Motion.
12883,37767,808drawr== DESCRIPTION: This is a ruby wrapper around Plotr with a similar API to Gruff. You ...
12985,23067,808qrtoolsQRTools is a library for decoding QR Codes. It relies on libdecodeqr for decoding.
13086,22267,808geeraGeera is a command line tool for dealing with Jira tickets.
13188,08225,466asmreplTired of writing assembly and them assembling it? Now you can write assembly and evalua...
13389,99945,971raop-clientNet::RAOP::Client is an Airport Express client. It allows you to stream music to an Ai...
13490,52867,808tuskTusk is a minimal pub / sub system with multiple observer strategies. Tusk builds upon ...
13691,26167,808raptchadescription: raptcha kicks the ass
13892,37467,808RusaMemberExtract data from RUSA web site to get members information, results, awards
13992,46838,090rubypanA gem command plugin that adds `gem ferret` to perform fulltext searching of http://rub...
14193,53820,042tinygqlYet another GraphQL parser written in Ruby.
14294,43767,808playpenPlaypen wraps OS X sandbox api with a loving embrace. Playpen provides the same API th...
14394,95867,808ricosatRicoSAT is a wrapper around [PicoSAT](http://fmv.jku.at/picosat/). It lets you use the...
144106,70533,464itiscoldA thing that reads data from Elitech RC-5 temp sensor. Protocol documentation can be f...
145107,04167,808net-mdnsDNS-SD and mDNS implementation for ruby
146110,50867,808awkwardAwkward helps you walk your Object Graph and output a dot file suitable for viewing in ...
147112,63067,808digest-m4piTunes specific digest encoding
148115,90667,808myhidapiThis is a small wrapper around HIDAPI. I couldn't get other HIDAPI wrappers to work, s...
149117,43467,808enterpriseWish you could write your Ruby in XML? Has the fact that Ruby is not "enterprise&...
150117,79067,808openxA Ruby interface to the OpenX XML-RPC API.
151118,04767,808actionformAn alternative layer to accepts_nested_attributes_for by using Form Models.
152118,71967,808neversaydieNEVER SAY DIE lets you rescue from segmentation faults. Got a SEGV, don't worry about ...
153119,36767,808yodaSpec yoda will, and spec you shall too.
154119,59367,808fiburFibur is a gem that gives you full concurrency during your I/O calls in Ruby 1.9.
155119,98667,808phubyPhuby wraps PHP in a loving embrace. Exposes a PHP runtime in ruby
157120,97167,808rubygems-isit19Lets you figure out if your gems and gems you install might work on 1.9. Uses http://i...
159121,60923,968jit_bufferA JIT Buffer object for Ruby.
160121,62067,808PheldItunesReporterPheldItunesReporter provides a library and corresponding executable script that calcula...
163123,45145,971sbs2003_contacts* A small utiltity library to help alleviate the tedium of managing the contacts and e-...
164127,45025,466uartUART is a simple wrapper around the ruby-termios gem that gives you an easy interface f...
165130,26467,808spectacularSpectacular is an SNMP client that displays traffic information in the browser.
166130,28845,971lunchboxA gem to help you get started with development on the TI Launchpad. This gem contains ...
167130,81067,808tenderlove-usbThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
168131,18067,808odinflexDo you need to parse an AR file or a Mach-O file? If so, then this is the library for you!
169138,28638,090kara-gemThis is a pretty empty gem. It just has a binstub and a version
170138,56567,808widenWe already have `String#upcase`, `String#downcase`. Now you can have `String#widen` an...
171147,80467,808mytestThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
172158,06567,808aaron-test-gemtest gem
173159,08967,808allocation_samplerA sampling allocation profiler. This keeps track of allocations, but only on specified...
174159,88327,344hacksThese are some hacks I use. This gem exposes some Ruby C internals as Ruby functions an...
175167,44067,808worfTired of parsing DWARF information in C? Now you can parse DWARF information in Ruby!
176167,81967,808uchipThis is a gem for controlling the MCP2221a chip over USB
177168,97067,808mini_gpioProvides GPIO access on the Raspberry Pi in Ruby (using Fiddle)
178172,69267,808caratCarat manages an application's dependencies through its entire life, across many machin...
179172,84467,808defrostFrozen objects: hard to use, can't mutate them, boring. Defrosted objects: exciting, dy...
180175,09738,090hatstoneA Capstone wrapper for Ruby.
181178,43620,830zeroconfThis is a multicast DNS client and server written in Ruby