Ged's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1104121pgPg is the Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL RDBMS. It works with PostgreSQL 9.3 and later.
21,018677sysexitsHave you ever wanted to call exit() with an error condition, b...
32,8155,692blueclothBlueCloth is a Ruby implementation of John Gruber's Markdown[
44,2893,336linguisticsLinguistics is a framework for building linguistic utilities for Ruby objects in any la...
54,9494,143loggabilityA composable logging system built on the standard Logger library.
69,09319,042sequel-inline_schemaThis is a set of plugins for Sequel for declaring a model's table schema and any mi...
710,34627,962BlueClothBlueCloth is a Ruby implementation of Markdown, a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web ...
810,45027,962mongrel2Ruby-Mongrel2 is a complete Ruby connector for Mongrel2.
910,89123,542postgresThis is an old, deprecated version of the Ruby PostgreSQL driver that hasn't been maint...
1011,80655,084inversionInversion is a templating system for Ruby. It uses the “Inversion of Control” principle...
1111,80955,084strelkaStrelka is a framework for creating and deploying Mongrel2 web applications in Ruby.
1213,07325,428configurabilityConfigurability is a unified, non-intrusive, assume-nothing configuration system for Ru...
1313,07655,084ruby-pgThis is an old, deprecated version of the 'pg' gem that hasn't been maintained or suppo...
1413,80837,743pluginfactoryPluginFactory is a mixin module that turns an including class into a factory for its de...
1513,89611,145treequelTreequel is an LDAP toolkit for Ruby. It is intended to allow quick, easy access to LDA...
1618,25455,084rdoc-generator-fivefishA(nother) HTML(5) generator for RDoc. It uses {Twitter Bootstrap}[http://twitter.githu...
1718,97755,084fluent_fixturesFluentFixtures is a toolkit for building testing objects with a fluent interface.
1820,48555,084rspec-formatter-webkitThis is a formatter for RSpec 2 that takes advantage of features in WebKit[http://webki...
1921,62855,084hoe-deveiateA collection of Rake tasks and utility functions I use to maintain my Open Source proje...
2022,90037,743hoe-mercurialThis is a fork of the [hoe-hg]( plugin. I forked it b...
2123,21055,084rake-deveiateThis is a collection of Rake tasks I use for development. I distribute them as a gem mo...
2223,73955,084symphonySymphony is a subscription-based asynchronous job system. It allows you to define jobs ...
2327,82655,084pluggabilityPluggability is a toolkit for creating plugins.
2428,23916,256wordnetThis library is a Ruby interface to WordNet®. WordNet® is an online lexical reference s...
2530,29637,743hoe-highlineA Hoe plugin for building interactive Rake tasks. Hoe-highline, as you might have gues...
2632,29623,542linkparserThis module is a Ruby binding for the Abiword version of CMU’s Link Grammar, a syntacti...
2740,08655,084hglibThis is a client library for the Mercurial distributed revision control tool that uses ...
2840,20337,743arrowArrow is a web application framework for mod_ruby. It was designed to make development ...
2940,47255,084arboristArborist is a monitoring toolkit that follows the UNIX philosophy of small parts and lo...
3040,73055,084chioneAn Entity/Component System framework inspired by Artemis.
3141,30955,084darkfish-rdocA complete replacement for the default HTML generator for Rdoc, the API documentation-e...
3243,06955,084cztop-reactorThis is an implementation of the Reactor pattern described in Pattern-Oriented Software...
3343,36827,962wordnet-defaultdbThis gem is a container for the default SQLUNet database files loaded by the 'wordnet' ...
3445,17855,084rdoc_chmA Microsoft Compiled HTML Help generator for {RDoc}[].
3549,17455,084strelka-fancyerrorsStrelka-FancyErrors is a Strelka plugin for rendering a bunch of useful information on ...
3652,90355,084hoe-manualgenA manual-generation plugin for Hoe. This is a plugin for Hoe[http://seattlerb.rubyforg...
3755,80355,084io-reactorA pure-Ruby implementation of an asynchronous multiplexed IO Reactor which is based on ...
3860,06227,962mdbxThis is a native ruby binding to libmdbx, an improved version of the Lightning Memory M...
3960,50537,743strelka-cmsThis is a web content-management application written for the Strelka web application fr...
4062,92155,084arborist-snmpThis library adds common SNMP resource support to Arborist monitors.
4163,71055,084LinguisticsA generic, language-neutral framework for extending Ruby objects with linguistic methods.
4269,11720,899thingfishThingfish is a extensible, web-based digital asset manager. It can be used to store chu...
4371,07255,084schedulabilitySchedulability is a library for describing scheduled time. You can specify one or more ...
4471,34355,084symphony-sshA small collection of base classes used for interacting with remote machines over ssh. ...
4571,76155,084ant-wirelessA binding for the ANT ultra-low power wireless protocol via the Garmin USB ANT Stick. A...
4672,97255,084strelka-newrelicStrelka-NewRelic is a Strelka plugin for monitoring a Strelka application with NewRelic...
4774,32219,901zyreA ZRE library for Ruby. This is a Ruby (MRI) binding for the Zyre library for reliable ...
4875,45827,962webkit-rspec-formatterThis is a placeholder gem for the WebKit Formatter for RSpec. The gem was renamed to '...
4979,98455,084ezmlmThis is a ruby interface for interacting with ezmlm-idx, an email list manager for use ...
5082,52055,084chunkerEmbed arbitrary data and multiple, distinct documents within ruby files.
5183,63722,041thingfish-metastore-pggraphThis is a metadata storage plugin for the Thingfish digital asset manager. It provides...
5284,11423,542thingfish-datastore-filesystemThis is a data storage plugin for the Thingfish digital asset manager. It provides pers...
5385,55623,542thingfish-processor-imageThis is a basic image-processor plugin for the Thingfish digital asset manager. It extr...
5487,14955,084rdoc-f95RDocF95 is an improved RDoc for generation of documents of Fortran 90/95 programs. Di...
5587,21555,084symphony-metronomeMetronome is a scheduler and task runner. It can be used locally as a cron replacement...
5691,63255,084pushdownA pushdown automaton toolkit for Ruby. It's based on the State Manager from the Ame...
5794,52055,084arborist-webserviceThis is a collection of webservice monitoring tools for the Arborist monitoring toolkit...
5895,92055,084foreman-export-daemontoolsAn exporter for David Dollar's Foreman[] that outputs...
5996,08255,084ruby-framenetThis is a Ruby interface to FrameNet, a lexical database of English word usage. It incl...
6098,90425,428thingfish-metastore-pgThis is a metadata storage plugin for the Thingfish digital asset manager. It provides ...
61100,33825,428observabilityObservability is a toolkit for instrumenting code to make it more observable. It follow...
62110,90355,084rdoc-generator-sixfishA readable HTML generator for RDoc. It uses the Bulma CSS framework.
63115,49555,084rdoc_html_templatesUnmaintained templates for RDoc's HTML generator.
64118,28755,084l_systemA toolkit for creating and using Lindenmayer Systems (L-systems). It consists of a clas...
65121,00555,084drbserviceDRbService is a framework we use at LAIKA for creating authenticated SSL-encrypted DRb ...
66124,78555,084presentabilityFacade-based presenters with minimal assumptions. This library contains utilities for s...
67127,30455,084arborist-fpingThis library adds fping output parsing support to Arborist monitors.
68128,57331,584thingfish-processor-mp3This is a basic mp3-processor plugin for the Thingfish digital asset manager. It extra...
69133,19837,743treequel-shellTreequel-Shell is a collection of LDAP tools based on the Treequel LDAP toolkit. It in...
70150,15455,084assemblage-webThis gem adds web services to an Assemblage continuous integration server. It's still ...
71160,84937,743thingfish-processor-pdfThis is a basic pdf processor plugin for the Thingfish digital asset manager. It extra...
72161,74055,084strelka-corsThis is a Strelka application plugin for describing rules for [Cross-Origin Resource Sh...
73164,02855,084openldapA simple, but feature-complete Ruby binding for OpenLDAP's libldap. This binding is i...
74164,71555,084strelka-presentersStrelka-Presenters is a plugin for the Strelka web framework that adds integration with...
75165,44655,084strelka-adminStrelka is a framework for creating and deploying Mongrel2 web applications in Ruby, an...
76167,48355,084hoe-gemnasiumA [Hoe]( plugin for interacting with Gemnasi...
77172,67955,084arborist-webThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
78174,51255,084assemblageAssemblage is a continuous integration toolkit. It's intended to provide you with a min...
79176,10855,084saltpackA Ruby implementation of Saltpack, a modern crypto messaging format based on Dan Bernst...