1 | 104 | 152 | pg | Pg is the Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL RDBMS. It works with PostgreSQL 9.3 and later. |
2 | 1,016 | 705 | sysexits | Have you ever wanted to call exit() with an error condition, b... |
3 | 2,832 | 4,220 | bluecloth | BlueCloth is a Ruby implementation of John Gruber's
Markdown[http://daringfireball.net/... |
4 | 4,276 | 3,542 | linguistics | Linguistics is a framework for building linguistic utilities for Ruby
objects in any la... |
5 | 4,921 | 3,816 | loggability | A composable logging system built on the standard Logger library. |
6 | 9,123 | 12,994 | sequel-inline_schema | This is a set of plugins for Sequel for declaring a model's table schema and any mi... |
7 | 10,402 | 58,846 | BlueCloth | BlueCloth is a Ruby implementation of Markdown, a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web ... |
8 | 10,502 | 117,678 | mongrel2 | Ruby-Mongrel2 is a complete Ruby connector for Mongrel2. |
9 | 10,941 | 20,516 | postgres | This is an old, deprecated version of the Ruby PostgreSQL driver that hasn't
been maint... |
10 | 11,850 | 10,791 | inversion | Inversion is a templating system for Ruby. It uses the “Inversion of Control” principle... |
11 | 11,872 | 53,263 | strelka | Strelka is a framework for creating and deploying Mongrel2 web applications in Ruby. |
12 | 13,095 | 8,772 | configurability | Configurability is a unified, non-intrusive, assume-nothing configuration system for Ru... |
13 | 13,106 | 117,678 | ruby-pg | This is an old, deprecated version of the 'pg' gem that hasn't been
maintained or suppo... |
14 | 13,868 | 28,297 | pluginfactory | PluginFactory is a mixin module that turns an including class into a factory for
its de... |
15 | 13,948 | 17,476 | treequel | Treequel is an LDAP toolkit for Ruby. It is intended to allow quick, easy
access to LDA... |
16 | 18,319 | 58,846 | rdoc-generator-fivefish | A(nother) HTML(5) generator for RDoc.
It uses {Twitter Bootstrap}[http://twitter.githu... |
17 | 18,936 | 10,896 | fluent_fixtures | FluentFixtures is a toolkit for building testing objects with a fluent interface. |
18 | 20,556 | 43,535 | rspec-formatter-webkit | This is a formatter for RSpec 2 that takes advantage of features in
WebKit[http://webki... |
19 | 21,705 | 58,846 | hoe-deveiate | A collection of Rake tasks and utility functions I use to maintain my Open
Source proje... |
20 | 22,954 | 26,251 | hoe-mercurial | This is a fork of the [hoe-hg](https://bitbucket.org/mml/hoe-hg)
plugin. I forked it b... |
21 | 23,069 | 10,738 | rake-deveiate | This is a collection of Rake tasks I use for development. I distribute them as a gem mo... |
22 | 23,814 | 46,777 | symphony | Symphony is a subscription-based asynchronous job system. It allows you to define jobs ... |
23 | 27,619 | 10,282 | pluggability | Pluggability is a toolkit for creating plugins. |
24 | 28,299 | 46,777 | wordnet | This library is a Ruby interface to WordNet®. WordNet® is an online lexical reference s... |
25 | 30,380 | 43,535 | hoe-highline | A Hoe plugin for building interactive Rake tasks.
Hoe-highline, as you might have gues... |
26 | 32,361 | 58,846 | linkparser | This module is a Ruby binding for the Abiword version of CMU’s Link Grammar, a syntacti... |
27 | 39,362 | 10,947 | hglib | This is a client library for the Mercurial distributed revision control tool that uses ... |
28 | 40,307 | 53,263 | arrow | Arrow is a web application framework for mod_ruby. It was designed to make
development ... |
29 | 40,537 | 24,564 | arborist | Arborist is a monitoring toolkit that follows the UNIX philosophy of small parts and lo... |
30 | 40,773 | 18,933 | chione | An Entity/Component System framework inspired by Artemis. |
31 | 41,429 | 39,646 | darkfish-rdoc | A complete replacement for the default HTML generator for Rdoc, the API documentation-e... |
32 | 43,084 | 28,297 | cztop-reactor | This is an implementation of the Reactor pattern described in Pattern-Oriented Software... |
33 | 43,450 | 58,846 | wordnet-defaultdb | This gem is a container for the default SQLUNet database files loaded by
the 'wordnet' ... |
34 | 45,285 | 97,080 | rdoc_chm | A Microsoft Compiled HTML Help generator for {RDoc}[http://rdoc.rubyforge.org/]. |
35 | 49,249 | 43,535 | strelka-fancyerrors | Strelka-FancyErrors is a Strelka plugin for rendering a bunch of useful
information on ... |
36 | 52,986 | 117,678 | hoe-manualgen | A manual-generation plugin for Hoe.
This is a plugin for Hoe[http://seattlerb.rubyforg... |
37 | 55,860 | 97,080 | io-reactor | A pure-Ruby implementation of an asynchronous multiplexed IO Reactor which is based on ... |
38 | 59,587 | 46,777 | mdbx | This is a native ruby binding to libmdbx, an improved version
of the Lightning Memory M... |
39 | 60,617 | 58,846 | strelka-cms | This is a web content-management application written for the Strelka
web application fr... |
40 | 62,919 | 30,896 | arborist-snmp | This library adds common SNMP resource support to Arborist monitors. |
41 | 63,843 | 117,678 | Linguistics | A generic, language-neutral framework for extending Ruby objects with linguistic methods. |
42 | 69,210 | 97,080 | thingfish | Thingfish is a extensible, web-based digital asset manager. It can be used to store chu... |
43 | 71,156 | 97,080 | schedulability | Schedulability is a library for describing scheduled time. You can specify one or more ... |
44 | 71,396 | 58,846 | symphony-ssh | A small collection of base classes used for interacting with remote
machines over ssh. ... |
45 | 71,761 | 26,251 | ant-wireless | A binding for the ANT ultra-low power wireless protocol via the Garmin USB ANT Stick. A... |
46 | 73,081 | 68,530 | strelka-newrelic | Strelka-NewRelic is a Strelka plugin for monitoring a Strelka application with
NewRelic... |
47 | 74,258 | 77,965 | zyre | A ZRE library for Ruby. This is a Ruby (MRI) binding for the Zyre library for reliable ... |
48 | 75,602 | 117,678 | webkit-rspec-formatter | This is a placeholder gem for the WebKit Formatter for RSpec.
The gem was renamed to '... |
49 | 80,050 | 53,263 | ezmlm | This is a ruby interface for interacting with ezmlm-idx, an email list
manager for use ... |
50 | 82,653 | 58,846 | chunker | Embed arbitrary data and multiple, distinct documents within ruby files. |
51 | 83,747 | 117,678 | thingfish-metastore-pggraph | This is a metadata storage plugin for the Thingfish digital asset
manager. It provides... |
52 | 84,156 | 53,263 | thingfish-datastore-filesystem | This is a data storage plugin for the Thingfish digital asset manager. It provides pers... |
53 | 85,634 | 58,846 | thingfish-processor-image | This is a basic image-processor plugin for the Thingfish digital asset manager. It extr... |
54 | 87,274 | 117,678 | symphony-metronome | Metronome is a scheduler and task runner. It can be used locally as a
cron replacement... |
55 | 87,317 | 97,080 | rdoc-f95 | RDocF95 is an improved RDoc for generation of documents of Fortran 90/95 programs. Di... |
56 | 91,599 | 97,080 | pushdown | A pushdown automaton toolkit for Ruby. It's based on the State Manager from the Ame... |
57 | 94,472 | 46,777 | arborist-webservice | This is a collection of webservice monitoring tools for the Arborist monitoring toolkit... |
58 | 96,022 | 97,080 | foreman-export-daemontools | An exporter for David Dollar's Foreman[https://github.com/ddollar/foreman] that
outputs... |
59 | 96,140 | 68,530 | ruby-framenet | This is a Ruby interface to FrameNet, a lexical database of English word usage. It
incl... |
60 | 98,967 | 58,846 | thingfish-metastore-pg | This is a metadata storage plugin for the Thingfish digital asset manager. It provides ... |
61 | 100,081 | 77,965 | observability | Observability is a toolkit for instrumenting code to make it more observable. It follow... |
62 | 104,835 | 10,984 | rdoc-generator-sixfish | A readable HTML generator for RDoc. It uses the Bulma CSS framework. |
63 | 115,612 | 97,080 | rdoc_html_templates | Unmaintained templates for RDoc's HTML generator. |
64 | 118,288 | 77,965 | l_system | A toolkit for creating and using Lindenmayer Systems (L-systems). It consists of a clas... |
65 | 121,170 | 97,080 | drbservice | DRbService is a framework we use at LAIKA for creating authenticated
SSL-encrypted DRb ... |
66 | 124,326 | 37,265 | presentability | Facade-based presenters with minimal assumptions. This library contains utilities for s... |
67 | 127,300 | 77,965 | arborist-fping | This library adds fping output parsing support to Arborist monitors. |
68 | 128,669 | 77,965 | thingfish-processor-mp3 | This is a basic mp3-processor plugin for the Thingfish digital asset
manager. It extra... |
69 | 133,344 | 117,678 | treequel-shell | Treequel-Shell is a collection of LDAP tools based on the Treequel LDAP
It in... |
70 | 150,212 | 117,678 | assemblage-web | This gem adds web services to an Assemblage continuous integration server.
It's still ... |
71 | 160,977 | 117,678 | thingfish-processor-pdf | This is a basic pdf processor plugin for the Thingfish digital asset
manager. It extra... |
72 | 161,919 | 117,678 | strelka-cors | This is a Strelka application plugin for describing rules for [Cross-Origin Resource Sh... |
73 | 164,239 | 97,080 | openldap | A simple, but feature-complete Ruby binding for OpenLDAP's libldap.
This binding is i... |
74 | 164,847 | 117,678 | strelka-presenters | Strelka-Presenters is a plugin for the Strelka web framework that adds
integration with... |
75 | 165,630 | 117,678 | strelka-admin | Strelka is a framework for creating and deploying Mongrel2 web applications
in Ruby, an... |
76 | 167,639 | 117,678 | hoe-gemnasium | A [Hoe](http://www.zenspider.com/projects/hoe.html) plugin for
interacting with Gemnasi... |
77 | 172,814 | 117,678 | arborist-web | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
78 | 174,682 | 117,678 | assemblage | Assemblage is a continuous integration toolkit. It's intended to provide you
with a min... |
79 | 176,293 | 97,080 | saltpack | A Ruby implementation of Saltpack, a modern crypto messaging format based on Dan Bernst... |