#43081's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1621616mixlib-shelloutRun external commands on Unix or Windows
2672325artifactoryA Ruby client for Artifactory
37561,012mixlib-configA class based configuration library
47791,104mixlib-logA gem that provides a simple mixin for log functionality
58981,144ffi-yajlRuby FFI wrapper around YAJL 2.x
69161,138libyajl2Installs a vendored copy of libyajl2 for distributions which lack it
71,2822,902chefA systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen...
81,3132,405mixlib-authenticationMixes in simple per-request authentication
91,4102,952chef-zeroSelf-contained, easy-setup, fast-start in-memory Chef server for testing and solo setup...
101,6292,440mixlib-archiveA simple interface to various archive formats
112,0082,581solveA Ruby version constraint solver
122,1913,404berkshelfManages a Chef cookbook's dependencies
132,2065,636varia_modelA mixin to provide objects with magic attribute reading and writing
142,2125,697buff-extensionsExtensions to Core Ruby classes
152,2295,712buff-shell_outA mixin for issuing shell commands and collecting the output
162,2325,705buff-ruby_engineA mixin for querying the platform running Ruby
172,2365,697buff-configA simple configuration class
182,2695,705buff-ignoreParse ignore files with Ruby
192,8863,464license_scoutDiscovers license files of a project's dependencies.
203,7166,783berkshelf-api-clientAPI Client for communicating with a Berkshelf API server
213,8348,124knife-aclKnife plugin to manupulate Chef server access control lists
224,6337,941dep_selectorGiven packages, versions, and a dependency graph, find a valid assignment of package ve...
234,7095,423cheffishA set of Chef resources for configuring Chef Infra.
244,9397,733dep-selector-libgecodeInstalls a vendored copy of Gecode suitable for use with dep-selector
255,2566,041appbundlerExtracts a dependency solution from bundler's Gemfile.lock to speed gem activation
265,5935,343gcewinpassReset a password on a Google Compute Engine instance running Windows.
275,97430,718chef-solrVendored Apache Solr for use with Chef Server
286,0937,733omnibusOmnibus is a framework for building self-installing, full-stack software builds.
296,1936,105em-winrmEventMachine based, asynchronous parallel WinRM client
306,6208,476appbundle-updaterUpdates appbundled apps in Chef's omnibus packages
317,1117,276chef-provisioningA library for creating machines and infrastructures idempotently in Chef.
327,19119,878vagrant-omnibusA Vagrant plugin that ensures the desired version of Chef is installed via the platform...
337,44923,623chef-server-apiA systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen...
347,45011,751vagrant-berkshelfA Vagrant plugin to add Berkshelf integration to the Chef provisioners
357,50561,294chef-server-webuiA systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen...
367,68425,309chef-serverA meta-gem to install all server components of the Chef configuration management system
378,67310,113chef-provisioning-awsProvisioner for creating aws containers in Chef Provisioning.
389,02125,309dynect_restUse the Dynect services REST API
399,0958,033chef-dkA streamlined development and deployment workflow for Chef platform.
409,14661,294knife-reportingKnife plugin for Opscode Reporting. Adds two new commands 'knife runs show' and 'knife...
419,23561,294chef-expanderA systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen...
429,6199,531knife-essentialsUniversal knife verbs that work with your Chef repository
4310,7339,938chef-provisioning-sshProvisioner for managing servers using ssh in Chef Provisioning.
4411,44910,201chef-provisioning-fogDriver for creating Fog instances in Chef Provisioning.
4511,91125,309knife-pushKnife plugin for Chef Push Jobs
4612,02442,665compat_resourceBring some new features of Chef 12.5 to previous 12.X releases
4712,62427,507knife-rackspaceRackspace Support for Chef's Knife Command
4813,35720,983knife-ec-backupBackup and Restore of Enterprise Chef
4915,12335,207knife-opcKnife Tools for Chef Infra Server
5015,39425,309knife-openstackA Chef Infra knife plugin for OpenStack clouds.
5115,82227,507knife-supermarketKnife support for interacting with Chef Supermarkets
5215,84214,082knife-azureA plugin to the Chef Infra knife tool for creating instances on the Microsoft Azure pla...
5317,37561,294berkshelf-apiBerkshelf dependency API server
5418,14461,294buff-platformA mixin for querying the platform running Ruby
5527,63361,294berkflowA CLI for managing Chef Environments using Berkshelf and the Environment Cookbook Pattern.
5627,94613,584knife-vrealizeChef Infra Knife plugin to interact with VMware vRealize.
5728,03035,207chef-provisioning-vagrantDriver for creating Vagrant instances in Chef Provisioning.
5828,31461,294chef-provisioning-dockerProvisioner for creating Docker containers in Chef Provisioning.
5930,69961,294chef-provisioning-azureThis is a driver that works with chef-provisioning that allows Chef Provisioning to man...
6032,84112,779passwordmaskerSmall Ruby class to store a password, but return masked characters for console output t...
6133,55461,294chef-reportingBackport of Chef Reporting handler for Chef < 11.6.0
6234,37261,294chef-rundeckProvides a resource endpoint for RunDeck from a Chef Server
6335,03561,294knife-blueboxChef knife plugin for Blue Box
6435,33925,309chef_fixieLow level manipulation tool for Chef Infra Server
6538,96920,983omniauth-chefOmniAuth strategy for Chef
6649,12761,294knife-maasA knife plugin to interact with MAAS
6751,75961,294chef-server-sliceA systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen...
6854,26761,294knife-hpHP Cloud Services Cloud support for Chef's Knife command
6960,11735,207knife-eucalyptusEucalyptus Cloud Support for Chef's Knife Command
7061,43242,665chef-provisioning-vraA Chef Provisioning driver for VMware vRealize Automation (vRA)
7169,59361,294kitchen-libvirtlxcKitchen driver for libvirt LXC containers
7271,62161,294chef-provisioning-lxcProvisioner for creating LXC containers in Chef Provisioning.
7379,52342,665knife-vcairVMware vcair support for Chef's Knife command
7479,85661,294berkshelf-bzrA Berkshelf plugin that adds support for downloading Chef cookbooks from Bazaar locations.
7583,92961,294knife-oraclecloudKnife plugin to interact with Oracle Cloud.
7684,98361,294curve_fitCreates curve fitting and confidence intervals from cfityk
7790,41661,294knife-analyticsKnife plugin for the Chef analytics platform.
78111,98927,507oraclecloudClient gem for interacting with the Oracle Cloud API.
79116,59461,294circonus-muninUse Munin Node with Circonus
80117,80061,294chef_handler_splunkStores data about Chef runs for Splunk
81118,55961,294chef-datadogBasic datadog integration
82120,23961,294mixlib-jsonSelects best-available JSON library, and provides a common API.
83127,33142,665knife-terremarkTerremark Cloud Support for Chef's Knife Command
84134,81361,294chef-analyticsA Chef analytics API client with minimal dependencies
85138,71542,665omniauth-opscodeAuthenticate via the Opscode Web UI