Meh99's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,0024,800opalOpal is a Ruby to JavaScript compiler. It is source-to-source, making it fast as a runt...
26,28518,157refiningEasily refine methods
36,35318,157call-meThis gem supports various calling related features. The supported features are: ...
46,38229,456ffi-extraSome extra methods for FFI
56,38929,456ffi-inlineInline C/C++ in Ruby easily and cleanly.
66,42229,456tesseract-ocrA wrapper library to the tesseract-ocr API.
710,7258,830opal-railsRails bindings for opal JS engine
813,19415,060threadpoolA simple no-wasted-resources thread pool implementation.
913,78313,218opal-activesupportThe port of the glorious ActiveSupport for Opal
1013,7969,532opal-rspecOpal compatible RSpec library
1114,99761,367cljLike json, but with clojure sexps.
1219,51617,333paggioRuby, HTML and CSS at war.
1322,24117,333opal-browserBrowser support for Opal.
1423,63061,367fffsA virtual filesystem for embedded data.
1527,13541,086colorbColorify strings in your terminal, 256 colors supported.
1629,40861,367herpesA event/notification handler.
1730,62920,275refrSimple reference implementation
1832,22161,367versionubA library to manage version strings.
1932,76861,367rbfA simple Brainfuck interpreter.
2033,12261,367bitmapSimple and stupid bitmap implementation (bitmap as in bitset, not bitmap image)
2134,79918,157LOLastfmLOL a scrobbler.
2235,41712,065mboxA simple library to read mbox files.
2337,12761,367rake-convertConvert a Rakefile to Makefile and configure script
2440,86519,101opal-nativeEasy support for native objects in Opal
2541,08461,367cmuscmus remote controller library.
2642,11419,101mocmoc controller library.
2743,11661,367boolean-expressionA simple library to evaluate boolean expressions.
2854,11261,367withStupid Python-like with statement
2955,88761,367glyrWrapper library for glyr.
3057,69361,367proc-extraSome extra methods having to do with proc
3160,26661,367dm-unlazyGet unlazy collections, for when you know you are going to use all that data anyway.
3265,61061,367hwaddrMAC address handling.
3376,74061,367require-extraSome extra methods having to do with #require
3481,43561,367x11Bindings for X11
3686,43061,367arpoonARP changes reporting daemon, can be used to protect against spoofing.
3792,80861,367clitLibrary for nice looking CLI output.
3894,09633,893optimusAn automated yet fully customizable command line options parser.
3998,05261,367sensorsBindings and wrapper for libsensors
4098,18533,893opal-forwardableOpal implementation of forwardable
4198,50033,893opal-typed-arrayOpal support for typed arrays
42102,24929,456orgasmA Ruby (dis)?assembler library.
43107,80361,367hardstatusHardstatus helpers for screen, because tmux just does not cut it for me.
44119,16561,367failircA fail IRC library, Server and Client. Includes a working IRCd and IRCbot.
45119,22061,367barlumeA dim light over asynchronous I/O land.
46119,97761,367faildnsA fail DNS library, Server and Client.
47120,55633,893packoA really flexible package manager, inspired by portage and pacman.
48129,40641,086mpdMPD controller library.
49131,61741,086opal-singletonOpal implementation of singleton
50132,08961,367rtripcodeGenerate tripcodes.
51132,93661,367thread-extraSome extra stuff having to do with threads
52134,23341,086opal-viennaClient side MVC framework for Opal
53135,29661,367tortardMap SOCKS address:port to real:port.
54160,71461,367torchatTorchat implementation in Ruby, event-driven EventMachine based library.
55166,34261,367sysctlA wrapper around sysctl to make its use cool in OpenBSD too