Gmalette's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,48163,432berlin-aiBerlin Artificial Intelligence
218,62063,432utilitiesFew utilities include in all my projects, including a module for statistics, some to_da...
320,5439,709pubsubstubPubsubstub can be added to a rack Application or deployed standalone. It uses Redis to ...
426,13125,458ansi_streamJavascipt to colorize HTML with span
527,91863,432enhanceMiddleware to "enhance" and resize images on the fly.
644,43241,916death_and_taxesDeath and Taxes allows to 'easily' calculate taxes on a model
759,67116,639profoundUse this gem if, like me, you're bad at Photoshop and want to ceate wallpapers like tho...
877,08063,432castorCastor is a configuration management gem. It can help write configuration apis for othe...
978,50463,432haltableHaltable is a gem that allows halting controller actions to simplify the flows.
10139,37363,432skipSkip makes loading the environment faster for Rails or Rake
11150,03463,432tinkerTinker is a prototype for realtime games
12152,45663,432thin-em-websocket-gmalettethin support for em-websocket
13162,37963,432minitest_less_footgunsThe Minitest `assert` interface is error-prone. This gems aims to make it less so