Cam156's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,9444,487active-fedoraActiveFedora provides for creating and managing objects in the Fedora Repository Archit...
26,1228,572hydra-access-controlsAccess controls for project hydra
36,1858,596hydra-coreHydra-Head is a Rails Engine containing the core code for a Hydra application. The full...
46,5275,761solr_wrapperSolr service wrapper
56,99012,619solrizerUse solrizer to populate solr indexes. You can run solrizer from within your app, usin...
67,21517,785omOM (Opinionated Metadata): A library to help you tame sprawling XML schemas like MODS. ...
77,96540,310rubydoraFedora Commons REST API ruby library
88,39319,489hydraProject Hydra Stack Dependencies
98,4298,042qaProvides a set of uniform RESTful routes to query any controlled vocabulary or set of a...
108,74118,879jettywrapperSpin up a jetty instance (e.g., the one at
119,1968,522blacklight-access_controlsAccess controls for blacklight-based applications
129,7777,956active_encodeThis gem provides an interface to transcoding services such as Ffmpeg, Amazon Elastic T...
139,8208,973fcrepo_wrapperSolr 5 service wrapper
1410,56827,598sufiaSufia extends the robust Hydra framework to provide a user interface around common repo...
1511,83527,598curation_concernsA Rails Engine that allows an application to CRUD CurationConcern objects (a.k.a. "Works")
1611,8658,206noid-railsNoid identifier services for Rails-based applications.
1711,9498,667valkyrieAn ORM using the Data Mapper pattern, specifically built to solve Digital Repository us...
1812,14427,598sufia-modelsModels and services for sufia
1912,65540,310hydra-collectionsA rails engine for managing Hydra Collections
2012,86213,213samvera-nesting_indexerSamvera nested collections indexing
2113,24014,915active_fedora-noidNoid identifier services for ActiveFedora-based applications.
2213,6778,630iiif-image-apiRuby APIs for working with IIIF
2314,75740,310hydra-batch-editRails engine to do batch editing with curation_concerns
2417,43516,300active_fedora-registered_attributesAn ActiveFedora extension for registring attributes
2518,05840,310hydra-remote_identifierHandles the registration and minting of remote identifiers (i.e. DOI, ARK, ORCID)
2618,33640,310hydra-pbcoreA Hydra gem that offers PBCore datastream definitions using OM
2718,96040,310solrizer-fedoraAn extension to projecthydra/solrizer that provides utilities for loading objects from ...
2820,21427,598fcrepo_adminA Rails engine for administrative access to a Fedora Commons repository based on the Hy...
2920,41840,310curateA data curation Ruby on Rails engine built on Hydra and Sufia
3026,01716,963activefedora-aggregationAggregations for active-fedora
3126,46540,310hydra-tutorialTutorial that works through setting up a hydra head
3228,84540,310hybagA Hydra gem for adding BagIt functionality to ActiveFedora models.
3329,70227,598fedora_lensA client for Fedora Commons Repository (fcrepo) version 4
3430,44221,477active_fedora_relsintActiveFedora library to allow use of RELS-INT to track RDF assertions about datastreams...
3531,66140,310geo_concernsRails engine for Hydra Geo models. Built around Curation Concerns engine.
3632,65440,310curation_concerns-modelsAn extensible repository data-model with works and and many attached files
3732,90940,310orcidA Rails engine for integration.
3834,03618,285active_fedora-datastreamsXML and RDF datastreams for ActiveFedora
3936,47240,310hydra-validationsValidations for Hydra applications, based on ActiveModel::Validations
4040,28340,310geomashParse string for potential geographic matches and return that data along with the TGN I...
4141,58840,310fedora-migrateMigrates data (models, datastreams, content) from a Fedora3 repository to Fedora4
4244,33040,310hydra-modsHydra MODS components split out from hydra-head
4354,14640,310worthwhileA self-deposit system with works and and many attached files
4454,37340,310hydra-ldapA gem for managing groups with ldap
4560,58540,310hydra-migrateSimple migrations for Hydra objects
4672,53640,310ldap_disambiguateQueries the PSU ldap to see if it can find a user that matches the text to get the pref...
4773,61640,310geo_worksRails engine for Hydra Geo models. Built around the Hyrax engine.
4873,94640,310linked_vocabsLinked Data Controlled Vocabularies for ActiveFedora::Rdf.
4982,81440,310share_notifyProvides basic API integration with ShareNotify
50102,36240,310huborgMake changes to Organization Repositories en-masse.
51129,18940,310order_upBackend agnostic queuing implementation
52131,71527,598active-encodeThis gem serves as the basis for the interface between a Ruby (Rails) application and a...
53138,43840,310single_use_linksDescription of SingleUseLinks.
54161,40340,310hydra-grouperThe long awaited separation of groups and roles for Project Hydra.