Categories: None [Edit]
Use solrizer to populate solr indexes. You can run solrizer from within your app, using the provided rake tasks, or as a JMS listener
Ranking: 7,282 of 184,150
Downloads: 481,643
Ranking: 15,717 of 184,132
Downloads: 18
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
7,304 | 479,248 | dor-services |
7,689 | 448,433 | om |
8,740 | 334,162 | hydra |
12,252 | 169,176 | curation_concerns |
18,833 | 79,406 | hydra-pbcore |
21,035 | 67,041 | ddr-core |
21,357 | 65,547 | solr_ead |
23,402 | 57,336 | spotlight-dor-resources |
33,196 | 35,335 | curation_concerns-models |
148,677 | 3,501 | active_triples-solrizer |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
7 | 1,032,738,617 | activesupport |
10 | 996,354,771 | rake |
20 | 920,692,987 | nokogiri |
26 | 838,840,506 | rspec |
226 | 165,241,344 | yard |
249 | 151,874,559 | xml-simple |
961 | 41,481,944 | RedCloth |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | awead | |
2 | darrenleeweber | |
3 | cbeer | |
4 | mjgiarlo | |
5 | DanCoughlin | |
6 | cam156 | |
7 | jfriesen | |
8 | cjcolvar | |
9 | barmintor | |
10 | jkeck | |
11 | dchandekstark | |
12 | mbklein | |
13 | coblej | |
14 | jpstroop | |
15 | mark-dce | |
16 | mkorcy | |
17 | scherztc | |
18 | tpendragon | |
19 | escowles | |
20 | atz | |
21 | HackmasterA | |
22 | grosscol | |
23 | jcoyne | |
24 | jenlindner | |
25 | geekycoder | |
26 | carrickr | |
27 | bess | |
28 | hortongn | |
29 | little9 | |
30 | no_reply | |
31 | dheles | |
32 | geekscruff | |
33 | jrochkind | |
34 | jrgriffiniii | |
35 | acollier | |
36 | ndushay | |
37 | elrayle |