Little9's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,99012,619solrizerUse solrizer to populate solr indexes. You can run solrizer from within your app, usin...
27,21517,785omOM (Opinionated Metadata): A library to help you tame sprawling XML schemas like MODS. ...
37,96540,310rubydoraFedora Commons REST API ruby library
48,0408,572ldpLinked Data Platform client library
58,4298,042qaProvides a set of uniform RESTful routes to query any controlled vocabulary or set of a...
68,6498,731hydra-worksUsing this data model should enable easy collaboration amongst Samvera projects.
78,74118,879jettywrapperSpin up a jetty instance (e.g., the one at
810,0899,706hyraxHyrax is a featureful Samvera front-end based on the latest and greatest Samvera softwa...
910,1517,648iiif_manifestIIIF defines an API for presenting related images in a viewer. This tra...
1010,56827,598sufiaSufia extends the robust Hydra framework to provide a user interface around common repo...
1111,28411,291bagitRuby Library and Command Line tools for bagit
1212,14427,598sufia-modelsModels and services for sufia
1312,86213,213samvera-nesting_indexerSamvera nested collections indexing
1413,24014,915active_fedora-noidNoid identifier services for ActiveFedora-based applications.
1513,6778,630iiif-image-apiRuby APIs for working with IIIF
1618,96040,310solrizer-fedoraAn extension to projecthydra/solrizer that provides utilities for loading objects from ...
1731,10240,310pitcherCLI utility to work with CONTENTdm's Catcher API
1832,90940,310orcidA Rails engine for integration.
1954,14640,310worthwhileA self-deposit system with works and and many attached files
2056,00840,310miniharvestA Gem to harvest OAI-PMH repositories
2173,94640,310linked_vocabsLinked Data Controlled Vocabularies for ActiveFedora::Rdf.
2282,81440,310share_notifyProvides basic API integration with ShareNotify
23100,31440,310sftp_treeThis is a Ruby library that allows you to get a tree from a remote location over sftp. ...
24116,92140,310freespaceA simple module that uses data from sys-filesystem to get a human readable amount of fr...
25129,18940,310order_upBackend agnostic queuing implementation
26138,43840,310single_use_linksDescription of SingleUseLinks.
27153,76040,310libholdingsA gem for getting item holdings data from a z39.50 server
28158,42940,310dbpedia_filmA gem for getting film metadata from DBPedia
29161,55240,310tweetgithubA command line tool for posting to a Jekyll based GitHub site and twitter at the same time
30161,63040,310sqlarA ruby gem that duplicates the funcationality of the SQLite Archiver