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Hyrax is a featureful Samvera front-end based on the latest and greatest Samvera software components.
Ranking: 10,347 of 184,150
Downloads: 236,194
Ranking: 15,969 of 184,132
Downloads: 17
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
21,913 | 62,977 | zizia |
40,251 | 27,375 | cdm_migrator |
50,890 | 19,991 | dog_biscuits |
73,672 | 11,912 | geo_works |
103,806 | 6,863 | hyrax-doi |
107,636 | 6,360 | newspaper_works |
107,899 | 6,330 | hyrax-active_encode |
134,177 | 4,187 | hyrax-iiif_av |
144,677 | 3,666 | hyrax-v2_graph_indexer |
150,027 | 3,453 | iiif_print |
164,444 | 2,518 | hyrax-preservation |
166,467 | 2,415 | hyrax-ingest |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
15 | 962,744,306 | concurrent-ruby |
41 | 587,660,996 | rails |
63 | 501,397,209 | sprockets |
72 | 460,123,018 | redis |
86 | 410,330,794 | connection_pool |
103 | 352,989,815 | signet |
104 | 352,192,370 | pg |
116 | 308,401,122 | rspec-rails |
120 | 301,702,309 | webmock |
127 | 282,699,718 | retriable |
135 | 269,123,747 | capybara |
136 | 268,084,601 | selenium-webdriver |
146 | 259,589,449 | sass-rails |
148 | 256,159,056 | factory_bot |
186 | 205,811,223 | oauth2 |
190 | 201,332,528 | rspec_junit_formatter |
192 | 200,817,086 | shoulda-matchers |
203 | 184,663,303 | database_cleaner |
218 | 171,491,225 | redis-namespace |
264 | 145,799,619 | rails-controller-testing |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | dlpierce | |
2 | mjgiarlo | |
3 | barmintor | |
4 | cbeer | |
5 | cjcolvar | |
6 | DanCoughlin | |
7 | dchandekstark | |
8 | jcoyne | |
9 | escowles | |
10 | grosscol | |
11 | jenlindner | |
12 | jkeck | |
13 | mark-dce | |
14 | mbklein | |
15 | mkorcy | |
16 | atz | |
17 | tpendragon | |
18 | elrayle | |
19 | hortongn | |
20 | bess | |
21 | carrickr | |
22 | scherztc | |
23 | little9 | |
24 | dheles | |
25 | jrochkind | |
26 | jrgriffiniii | |
27 | ndushay | |
28 | jlhardes | |
29 | randalldfloyd |