Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
4161-4180 of all 183,164 gems.
4,1611,762,586calabash-androidcalabash-android drives tests for native and hybrid Android apps.
4,1621,761,198validates_lengths_from_databaseIntrospects your database string field maximum lengths and automatically defines length...
4,1631,760,430webmock-twirpTwirp support for WebMock
4,1641,759,710doorkeeper-mongodbDoorkeeper Mongoid ORM extension
4,1651,758,622capybara-inline-screenshotExtends capybara-screenshot with inline image output
4,1661,758,065fork_breakFork with breakpoints for syncing child process execution
4,1671,757,358sensuA monitoring framework that aims to be simple, malleable, and scalable.
4,1681,755,466cocoapods-generatepod gen allows you to keep your Podfile and podspecs as the single source of truth for ...
4,1691,753,634barkickBarcodes made easy
4,1701,753,134rghostRuby Ghostscript Engine is a document creation and conversion API, supporting PDF, PS, ...
4,1711,751,034ruby_auditRubyAudit checks your current version of Ruby and RubyGems against known security vulne...
4,1721,749,032knockAuthentication solution for Rails based on JWT
4,1731,748,244jquery-datatablesInclude jQuery DataTables in asset pipeline with ease
4,1741,747,620rails-perftestRails performance tests (removed from core in Rails 4.0)
4,1751,747,181linkedinRuby wrapper for the LinkedIn API
4,1761,743,507opentelemetry-exporter-jaegerJaeger trace exporter for the OpenTelemetry framework
4,1771,743,191devise-pwned_passwordDevise extension that checks user passwords against the PwnedPasswords dataset https://...
4,1781,742,735sidekiq-worker-killerSidekiq worker killer
4,1791,741,492devise_ldap_authenticatableDevise extension to allow authentication via LDAP
4,1801,739,882exponent-server-sdkExponent Server SDK