Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
4201-4220 of all 183,164 gems.
4,2011,720,681fastlane-plugin-yarnExecute Yarn commands from your Fastfile
4,2021,720,481devise_zxcvbnThis gems works with devise to provide backend password strength checking via zxcvbn-js...
4,2031,720,374dice_bagDice Bag is a library of rake tasks for configuring web apps in the style of The Twelve...
4,2041,719,850daemons-railsdaemonization support for Rails 3+
4,2051,718,055geckodriver-binEasy installation and use of geckodriver, that provides the HTTP API described by the W...
4,2061,715,952rspec-givenGiven is an RSpec extension that allows the use of Given/When/Then terminology when def...
4,2071,714,302mlanett-redis-lockPessimistic locking using Redis
4,2081,712,739rcsvA libcsv-based CSV parser for Ruby
4,2091,711,591avProgrammable Ruby interface for FFMPEG/Libav
4,2101,708,711cucumber-timecopTimecop steps definition for Cucumber
4,2111,708,616actionview-encoded_mail_toRails mail_to helper with encoding (removed from core in Rails 4.0)
4,2121,708,059spinach-rerun-reporterspinach rerun reporter
4,2131,706,974capybara-angularCapybara API that knows how to wait for Angular in end to end specs
4,2141,706,243consul-rbConsul HTTP Client Ruby Library
4,2151,706,013prawn-qrcodePrawn/QRCode simplifies the generation and rendering of QRCodes in Prawn PDF documents.
4,2161,704,539veniceRuby Gem for In-App Purchase Receipt Verification
4,2171,704,110hansiDer ANSI Hansi - create colorized console output.
4,2181,703,459cslA Ruby parser and full API for the Citation Style Language (CSL), an open XML-based lan...
4,2191,702,580paperclip-optimizerpaperclip-optimizer is a Paperclip processor for optimizing and minifying uploaded images.
4,2201,701,398docker-composeProvides an OOP interface to docker-compose and facilitates container-to-host and host-...