Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
4181-4200 of all 183,164 gems.
4,1811,739,607flutieFlutie is a starting point for personal discovery
4,1821,739,216activerecord-mysql-index-hintMySQL index hint support for ActiveRecord
4,1831,739,175dpl-releasesdeploy tool abstraction for clients
4,1841,739,152hiredis-clientHiredis binding for redis-client
4,1851,738,706bcp47A subset of the BCP47 spec implemented in ruby
4,1861,738,242search_object_graphqlSearch Object plugin to working with GraphQL
4,1871,737,526jekyll-octiconsA jekyll liquid plugin that makes including svg Octicons simple.
4,1881,737,514blobstore_clientBOSH blobstore client
4,1891,736,827clearanceClearance is built to support authentication and authorization via an email/passwor...
4,1901,736,101cookies_euDisplays a cookie consent
4,1921,732,826google-apis-gmail_v1This is the simple REST client for Gmail API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client li...
4,1931,730,300global_settingsGem that provides an easy way to configure your app via ENV vars or yml files
4,1941,728,610trailblazer-activityRuntime code for Trailblazer activities.
4,1951,727,952toastr-railsToastr: Simple javascript toast notifications, plugged into the rails asset pipeline.
4,1961,726,066embulk-input-mysqlSelects records from a table.
4,1971,726,050gds-api-adaptersA set of adapters providing easy access to the GDS GOV.UK APIs
4,1981,725,222phraseapp-rubyPhraseApp API client libary
4,1991,725,128mustermann-contribAdds many plugins to Mustermann
4,2001,724,441mail_formSend e-mail straight from forms in Rails with I18n, validations, attachments and reques...