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Most downloads over all time
152461-152480 of all 180,488 gems.
152,4433,123gitorinoxYou can list your repositories, and unwatch them
152,4433,123capistrano-jianliaoSend notifications to Jianliao about Capistrano deployments.
152,4633,122twistlock-controlLibrary for controlling Twistlock Provisioners
152,4633,122soldierAn alternative to beeswithmachineguns
152,4633,122clash_of_clans_apiClient library for interacting with the ClashOfClans API.
152,4633,122enchaineEnchaine is a command-line tool to change Markdown headers (# or ===) to cryptographic ...
152,4633,122scribalLucid is a test framework that is designed to treat testing as a design activity by...
152,4633,122minitest-expect_hashkeysSimple minitest assertion to compare keys of nested Hashes
152,4633,122negatorDetect and annotate the presence of negation in English sentences.
152,4633,122jekyll-layoutsJekyll plugin, that allows you to output multiple format files with individual layouts ...
152,4633,122tarkinTarkin Team Password Manager client, command line and shell
152,4633,122lita-googlefightGoogleFight two terms: there can only be one winner.
152,4633,122voteable_lilyBasic voting gem
152,4633,122acts-as-taggable-on-simonwhWith ActsAsTaggableOn, you could tag a single model on several contexts, such as skills...
152,4633,122trace_graphGenerate a visua graph of method calls
152,4633,122gemmmmmmmmmmWrite a longer description or delete this line.
152,4773,121flowckercFlowcker is a distributed processing platform, based on Flow based programming and linu...
152,4773,121indieauthRuby implementation of Indieauth
152,4773,121open_weather_apiGem to wrap
152,4773,121edm_festival_finderScrapes for electronic festivals in the country sel...