Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
152441-152460 of all 180,554 gems.
152,4263,132feedcellar-gtkFeedcellar::Gtk is a GTK+ interface for Feedcellar.
152,4263,132rails-captchaDescription of RailsCaptcha.
152,4263,132jekyll-importmapA plugin for jekyll to utilize importmaps
152,4263,132virtus-extrasSet of extra extentions to Virtus Gem
152,4263,132isis-plugin-stocktickerIsis plugin: Stock Ticker
152,4463,131konektA Ruby library to interact with Konekt Cloud via Ruby and Rails.
152,4463,131offline_deployerA gem for building releases using a git diff between 2 tags or commits
152,4463,131godlil2eA simple hello world gem
152,4463,131home_page_developer#Developer (profile) extension for #RubyOnRails gem #home_page.
152,4463,131voteable_gregThe best voting gem ever.
152,4463,131elkamineElkamine is gem which can parse and download all files from
152,4463,131embulk-output-solrDumps records to Solr.
152,4463,131common_functionsSome common functions for Bootstrap tables and buttons.
152,4463,131prpr-checklistWhen new pull request is created, the content of is posted as comment.
152,4463,131credit_card_infoFetch credit card info from with configurable fallback to https://gith...
152,4463,131tippy-brianA gem for generating tip values based on a number of inputs.
152,4463,131opengl-registryParses the Khronos OpenGL registry into a standardized and user-friendly data structure...
152,4463,131moonholaA simple
152,4463,131perkins-railsThe Rails Gem for Perkins