Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
152421-152440 of all 180,554 gems.
152,4083,133sudoku_badDont use this software.
152,4083,133plurbPlurk API wrapper for Ruby
152,4083,133enumerator_io_readerRead a byte stream from your enumerable
152,4083,133voteable_gigiAllows user to vote up or down on an item
152,4083,133sumtotalA listbox which displays the contents of a comma-separated file and sum the total of th...
152,4263,132forest_admin_agentForest is a modern admin interface that works on all major web frameworks. This gem mak...
152,4263,132html_to_slimlAn experimental gem to transform HTML to Sliml (a kind of Slim markdown)
152,4263,132internMetaprogram common command patterns in Ruby
152,4263,132cuba-errorsError helpers for Cuba.
152,4263,132eventiozA Ruby client library for the Eventioz platform.
152,4263,132voteable_cregisgem to add voting function
152,4263,132rails_easy_cachingusing EasyCaching is as easy as defining which methods/scopes/associations that you wan...
152,4263,132fake_associationsTo enable to use ActiveRecord association in the module is not ActiveRecord.
152,4263,132chatops_deployerChatopsDeployer deploys containerized services in isolated VMs and exposes public facin...
152,4263,132ts2cb-order-checkerChecks if particular orders appear in CaseBlocks
152,4263,132studio_game_arPlayers start with a given score. Throughout the game they can find treasures which inc...
152,4263,132HolaA1336mnA simple hello world gem
152,4263,132janssonA Ruby JSON library based on FFI bindings for libjansson.
152,4263,132blank_attributesBlankable attribtes for ActiveRecord model'
152,4263,132auto_scaling_methodssome description