Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
152781-152800 of all 180,416 gems.
152,7543,096theme_importer_railsA gem for painlessly importing themes into the rails asset pipeline.
152,7823,095jeffleeismyhero-render_csvAdds a custom CSV renderer to Rails applications
152,7823,095metrics-capacitorMetrics igenstion service with ElasticSearch as storage
152,7823,095craff_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
152,7823,095interdastingUnintrusive interactive API documentation generator for rails apps
152,7823,095valid_credit_cardActiveModel validation for credit card number.
152,7823,095oauth2_hmac_railsAuthorization server 'Rails Engine' for Oauth2 HMac Draft 01.
152,7823,095frankensqlA gem to convert your params to a variable SQL query based on what is present and what ...
152,7823,095cqrs-generatorsSimple generators for CQRS Commands and Queries.
152,7823,095filegrabberQuickly grab many files from a remote location.
152,7823,095widgets-api-clientWigets Api Client Wrapper
152,7823,095hashtringAn interesting class
152,7823,095clinical_bmigem to calculate BMI
152,7823,095tcpkickerFake tcp server to launch real tcp servers.
152,7823,095qoolife-apiRuby API client for Qoolife, so you can easily plug it into your App
152,7823,095firefliFramework for public data APIs.
152,7823,095logstash-2-output-rollbarThis gem is a logstash plugin. Install using: $LS_HOME/bin/plugin install gemname. This...
152,7823,095rake-guardianPrevent the Rake of execution in a particular environment
152,7823,095strip_emojistrip emoji gem
152,8003,094sixarm_ruby_action_controller_mockThis provides basics we need; you probably won't ever need to use this gem.