Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
152761-152780 of all 180,477 gems.
152,7533,106turnip-extra_stepsWanna start writing turn ip features like a boss but you have to write ALL steps for it...
152,7533,106html-pipeline-mrkdwnAn HTML::Pipeline filter for Slack's mrkdwn markup language.
152,7533,106ruqlcqbRuby-embedded DSL for creating short-answer quiz questions
152,7533,106rails_jquery_cropperIntegrates fengyuanchen's jQuery cropper with Rails' asset pipeline
152,7533,106xxxxxCross allows you to cross post to twitter and facebook from command line.
152,7533,106activerecord-enhancedsqlite3-adapterBack-ports generated column support, deferred foreign key support, custom foreign key s...
152,7533,106typekitableA CLI for interacting with your Typekit kits. No need to form your own requests!
152,7533,106sandoz.bbmb.chSandoz skin for BBMB. A Ruby gem
152,7533,106ihomeRuby Client for iHome API
152,7533,106volt-daterangeVolt wrapper for daterangepicker (bootstrap date picker)
152,7533,106theme_importer_railsA gem for painlessly importing themes into the rails asset pipeline.
152,7723,105jquery_chosen-railsChosen is a library for making long, unwieldy select boxes more user friendly.
152,7723,105holafabzJust a simple hello gem
152,7723,105marisaRuby binding for marisa-trie which is a static and space-efficient trie data structure.
152,7723,105instance_validatorApply ActiveModel validations at a model instance level
152,7723,105valid_credit_cardActiveModel validation for credit card number.
152,7723,105racudaRuby Adapted CUDA
152,7723,105hola_lessonsugiA simple hello world gem
152,7723,105china_city2015a gem to help you select chinese area like province, city and district
152,7723,105lotripThis gem will be useful on Trip&Mates to be able to get unified results from multip...