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152741-152760 of all 180,477 gems.
152,7353,107unsorted_to_queryA Rails patch for ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Hash#to_query which removes the call f...
152,7353,107rb-libmagicFFI binding for libmagic.
152,7353,107skiplogicSkip Logic API wrapper
152,7353,107youtube_video_search_at_web_pagevideo search at youtube web page
152,7353,107consonant_regexIf your argument contains any vowel it returns false. Call method is_consonant(arg)
152,7353,107hola_e2015kkA simple hello world gem
152,7353,107capistrano-solrCapistrano deployment tasks for Solr
152,7353,107hola_smansouriA simple hello world gem
152,7353,107ABCEvaluateMathA simple math operations gem
152,7353,107hl_cli_demoA sample CLI for the Hyperledger protocol.
152,7353,107mswalletThis gem allows you to create passes for Windows Phone Wallet. Unlike some, this works ...
152,7353,107rails-db-toolA Web DB client for managing your database by rails engine.
152,7533,106tiny-score-clientDescription of TinyScoreClient.
152,7533,106the-bump-cliThis Ruby Gem provides a CLI to view articles from
152,7533,106extensible_attr_accessorattr_xxx extension accepting blocks.
152,7533,106td_cliA gem to query TD from your command line
152,7533,106groonga_packages_regression_testA testing tool for Groonga packages.
152,7533,106app_store_dev_apieasy work for app_store_dev_api
152,7533,106object_thruProvides Object#thru as an complement to Object#tap
152,7533,106onliaOnlia is a Ruby gem that provides a simple interface to the Onlia API. It allows you to...