Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
155781-155800 of all 180,448 gems.
155,7782,910hola_icyflameA simple hello world gem - let's get started!
155,7782,910rspec-vwMake your failing specs succeed under CI tools scrutiny.
155,7782,910temporary_environmentSet a temporary environment variable for a duration of a block
155,7782,910hola_ollieA simple hello world gem
155,7782,910reading_log_extractorHad Read reading-log github api extractor
155,7782,910terrapop_modelsDescription of TerrapopModels.
155,7782,910defaultyOS X defaults handler
155,7782,910mechanize-random-agentA mechanize helper to get new user agents
155,7782,910darmani_game32A Darmani game
155,7782,910smart_proxy_dns_globodnsGloboDNS provider plugin for Foreman's smart proxy -
155,7782,910darmani_game29A Darmani game
155,7782,910readyouOpen README of gems in your project with editor of your choice.
155,7782,910AlphaNumericTokengenerate aplha numeric token using alpha numeric token gem.
155,7782,910rake_argsA simple Rake extension to pass arguments into a Rake task.
155,7962,909graphiql_railsProvides a configurable Graphiql endpoint for easy graphql api development.
155,7962,909rabbit-slide-murakamit-rabbit20150922はじめての Rabbit で、題材として自己紹介を書きました。
155,7962,909adriano_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
155,7962,909darmani_game7A Darmani game
155,7962,909mobprojectCreates a project directory test iOS, Android mobile and Web applications with Appium/S...