Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
155961-155980 of all 180,554 gems.
155,9512,911mallrideA framework-agnostic E-commerce architecture.
155,9512,911autopilot-railsWith Autopilot for Rails you can generate a starting point for your next SaaS project. ...
155,9632,910secret_brokerSecret Broker
155,9632,910darmani_game83A Darmani game
155,9632,910batch_request_clientBatch Request Client.
155,9632,910upcastableDuck typing sometimes results in `NoMethodError` unexpectedly by calling methods some c...
155,9632,910darmani_game25A Darmani game
155,9632,910condo-couchbaseProvides database storage utilising Couchbase.
155,9632,910my_company-schedulemy company schedule
155,9632,910alexgunslinger-hopscotch-railsHopscotch is a framework for making product tours on web pages. This gem makes it easy ...
155,9632,910coffee-timeMonkeypatch various time/date classes so that they respond true to the #coffee? method.
155,9632,910rw_tasksA simple CLI task management gem for later integration with a custom backend API
155,9632,910yariAn extension for Rspec that merges the advantages of using Gherkin as a communication t...
155,9742,909darmani_game50A Darmani game
155,9742,909darmani_game61A Darmani game
155,9742,909ttafu_attributeUpdate the updated_at field when the specified fields has changed
155,9742,909everything_becomes_fEverything becomes f.
155,9742,909darmani_game55A Darmani game
155,9742,909omniauth-hipchatOmniAuth strategy for HipChat
155,9742,909weekdone-clicli for weekdone