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Most downloads over all time
156481-156500 of all 180,488 gems.
156,4782,853credsummonerRetrieve temporary AWS credentials via an identity provider.
156,4782,853kramdown-pagesKramdown syntax for embedding Rails app served page links
156,4782,853pagseguro-sdkBiblioteca oficial de integração via API com o PagSeguro
156,4782,853hammer-parserRuby bindings to the hammer parsing library.
156,4782,853devise_facebookableDevise module using the Facebook Graph API for authentication.
156,4872,852seomoz-rippleripple is an object-mapper library for Riak, the distributed database by Basho. It use...
156,4872,852ps_grepFind a process info by pattern!
156,4872,852kamuiKamui will suck you into the dimension where retrying methods is super easy.
156,4872,852viceview-railsShow Double Click for Publishers (DFP) ads over https for single page web apps
156,4872,852hockey_orgsGathers information about hockey organizations
156,4872,852fonts_dot_comGem for making requests to API.
156,4872,852khetaiKhet AI
156,4872,852lita-command-not-foundHave your bot look for those commands you don't mean to send to the channel.
156,4872,852sellingSelling model structure for billing gem
156,4872,852lita-mattermostLita adapter for Mattermost
156,4872,852notisend-rubyEDIT ME: Summary
156,4872,852capraIntrusion detection system.
156,4992,851stateful_controllerA StatefulController for Rails that uses a state machine to manage transitions between ...
156,4992,851oops_a_rakeWrite Rake tasks with plain Ruby objects